Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My wife and I have had a long-haired miniature dachshund since we first got married 4yrs ago. We moved from an apartment into a new house this winter and we have been excitedly planning to get a larger breed puppy this spring. The timing is great since my wife is a school teacher and will be able to stay home to train the new puppy this summer.

We looked at different breeds and thought seriously about getting a golden retriever or a black lab, but were turned off by how much my brother-in-law's lab sheds. We started looking for either a labradoodle or a goldendoodle. I looked at a few local breeders, but nothing was quite working out timing wise. Also, my wife liked the idea of adopting or rehoming a dog. Our dachshund was from a local breeder. Our cat was rescued and she has turned out to be a great fit for us.

A month ago, I was looking on craigslist and saw an ad for a 7wk old F1 labradoodle. Molly's previous owner bought her at 6wks only to discover that her cat (large, 20lb) did not like her at all. The cat was reportedly attacking Molly. Previous owner said that her mom was a black lab and her dad a standard poodle. My wife and I rehomed Molly a month ago, and she is 11wks old today. She is mostly black, but has a little bit of white on her chest. 

We love Molly! She is playful and goofy, but easy to train. She is already mostly housebroken- as long as we take her out about once an hour. And lately she has been sleeping through the night, although she still occasionally wakes me up about half-way through at 2AM. Jessie, our dachshund, was pretty jealous at first and sort of mean to Molly, but after a few days they warmed up to one another. Now they play whenever one of them isn't asleep. Gato, our cat, is not a fan of Molly, but she stays out of the way and Molly is learning to leave her alone.

Anyhow, I was wandering if you guys could help me out with projections about her coat. Right now it is soft, fluffy and pretty straight. It has a bit of a wave to it and it is a little curly on her ears. I've not really seen many pictures of puppies with a coat like her. In fact, I think she looks more like a flatcoated retriever. Anyone seen a coat like hers? Any ideas what we can expect as she gets older? The first pictures are her at about 8wks and the one of her and my wife is at 10wks.


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I LOVE Molly's deep rich color and her sweet expression.  Congratulations on getting a puppy. 

I think it is hard to predict what her coat will look like. There is a group called Where's the Poodle in my Doodle if she turns out to look more like a lab. There is also a group called from Pup to Adult where people post photos of their puppies' coats changing.

Your Molly is adorable! I am sure you will love her whatever her coat looks like. I have two F1 Goldendoodles and one doesn't shed and the other does a little bit. There are people on this site with F1's that shed more then any dog they have ever owned. It will be hard to know for a few weeks.

I hope you enjoy Doodlekisses. It is a great place to meet other doodle lovers and be sure to browse through the groups for tips on training, food and grooming. Welcome!!!

Hello and welcome! Molly is a cutie! 

Congrats on your new puppy.   So happy she found a home that will spoil her rotten.  My puppy looked like a blond version of your Molly.  His looks started changing almost immediately.  Be patient, you never know what the end result will be!

Welcome to DK.  Molly is absolutely adorable!!  It's concerning that she was sold at 6 weeks ( too young) but glad she's found a loving home with you.  She will most likely shed and if she is an F1 lab X poodle -- no idea what she may eventually look like.  I've seen wiry coats, shaggy coats, and coats with a bit of wave.  It looks like she'll be beautiful no matter what!  My doodle was best buddies with my sister's miniature dachshund for 3 years.  They were quite a duo. 

She's adorable!  I think she will be more flat-coated, but it's hard to be certain at this stage.


My advice to you is to buy pet insurance now!  While she is young and healthy. I would tell anyone to get insurance on their dog, but especially since you don't know her EXACT background (and don't know if parents were tested for hip problems, etc....), I would encourage you to do that :)


Welcome to DK!

she's way cute!  congrats on your new addition!

Molly is so darn cute.  There will be many physical changes as she matures, but is sounds like you are lucky to have a very adorable sweet girl! 

Welcome - Molly is beautiful.  Like others have said, who knows what she will wind up looking like, but she will be beautiful and she will be yours!  Also recommend getting pet insurance asap - would say the same to someone who got their puppy from a good breeder, but especially because you can't be sure of her background.  Thanks for saving her!

You will probably be pleasantly surprised how Molly's coat turns out.  Nothing I like better than sharing pictures of my gorgeous Skadi when she was little to full grown.  Molly's is stunning!



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