Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When will the address list for the

Holiday cards be posted?

thank you!    Can’t wait to mail Teddy’s 

Maria Candelario

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Did you sign up for the group? If so you should have received the list of addresses. If you haven't, go to the group and see if you could be added.

Thank you for your reply.

I did join the Holiday card list before the deadline. 

I cant figure out what’s going on, if it’s my computer 

I received Rae’s email that said list was attached but her email did not have an attachment.

I’ve also gone on the Holiday group and no luck.

I should be on the list:  Buddy and Maria Candelario

                                      4552 Waterford Drive 

                                       Plano, TX. 75024

Teddy has his cards ready to go out 

Thank you once again for your reply. 

Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful doodle cards. 

Happy Holidays!

Maria Candelario 

It is posted now in the Holiday Card group. You had to have signed up before 11/30 to be on the list.

I joined the list this year before the deadline
I haven’t received the holiday card list
My cards are ready. How can I get the list ?
Thanks for your help . Teddy is anxious to send out his cards.
I should be on the list:
Buddy and Maria Candelario
4552 Waterford Drive
Plano, Texas 75024

You are on the list. Go to the 2018 Holiday Card Exchange group. The list can be found there. 

I sent your card today, Maria - you address was already on the list.

Here is the discussion...

scroll down to where it says attachments and click on the link and print your labels.



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