We took Holly to the new vet this morning, and he was GREAT! He looked at her long history of diarrhea and vomiting, as well as itchy skin, sneezing etc. He said it is likely there is an allergy component, as well as something else that's causing the digestive issues. He said she has symptoms that could represent a lot different issues, and he did blood testing to try and narrow it down. One possibility is that she has a pancreatic insufficiency so her body isn't able to break down the food like it should. He also said she's displaying symptoms of Addison's Disease although he said this is rare. He was surprised our old vet had never done blood testing to rule these things out before starting food trials for food allergies. He gave us a powder to help her digest food, and recommended we try TOTW since we have already tried California Naturals and Natural Balance with no luck. I did not hear the words Science Diet one time, yay! I felt very good about our visit, I feel like we are a team and he really wants to help us get to the bottom of this. He said we may need to go to an allergy specialist at some point but he would like to get the diarrhea and vomiting under control so she can start eating more regularly first. We will get the results of the blood test in a week or so, I will keep you all posted. Thanks for all of the kind thoughts and support!
I'm so glad to hear that your experience with this new vet was positive and that you feel you can work together to get at the root of Holly's issues. That in itself is so important!
JD & I have paws and fingers crossed for good results on the blood work & for Holly to start feeling better soon!
I think this is great news! Your vet sounds great. We will keep our fingers crossed that the blood work comes back with good news (or at least something you can work with!). Maybe TOTW will help! Thanks for giving us an update.
I am so glad to hear you were happy with the new vet and that there could be some answers! A family that my daughter plays soccer with has a GD and he has Addison's Disease...... I am not sure what they do to maintain it though.
Thanks Denise! He said you use steroids and a special diet, it sounded like we'd be better off getting the pancreatic insufficiency diagnosis b/c it's easier to manage. I looked up AD and it sounds like it is prominent in standard poodles.
Adrianne had a dog with Addison's and she lived a fairly long, fairly comfortable life. Addison's can be managed, and there is a lot of support available through a wonderful group called Addison Dogs. But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.
Laci, a few months ago I thought my little Taquito was headed for kidney failure and was going to have a short life - let's say I was the glass 1/2 empty thinker during that time. DH just said to stop worrying and see what happens and we would deal with it. T. has had good checkups since then (due to diet changes thru the help of the Food Group!). I am sure that you will be able to handle whatever diagnosis Holly receives. I think the best thing that can happen is that they actually FIND a reason for this - then you can move forward and treat her the best you can.
I totally agree. When you don't know what's causing all of these symptoms it's easy to think of the worst possible scenario, I'm definitely a worrier! I'll be so glad when we can figure it out and get her feeling better, I'm so glad T is doing good now, Thanks for the encouragement!
I really think it's great that you found a Vet that you trust (and who never mentioned Science Diet). You will get to the bottom of this....once the digestive issues are under control, you can go from there. Here's hoping that the blood tests show this is something that will be easy to control, and Holly starts to feel better.
Thanks Jane! I was going to tell you I did ask him if IBS was a possibility and he said it is, but often that's the last thing they look for after all tests and food trials don't lead you to a diagnosis. You were right about the gray stools and the possible pancreatic involvement too.