Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I live in Atlanta. It's been RIDICULOUSLY hot and it's just now summer so it's not like cool weather is coming our way any time soon. Callie is not a fan of the heat. That's fine by me - I'm not a big fan of it either. However - she's not behaving normally outside, even by comparison of last summer. Last summer, she was fine on our walks (which we cut back to 15-25 minutes in the summer), and good for about 15 minutes of additional play and then ready to go inside or lay down in shade.  That has not been the case this summer. She's gotten her summer cut, dropped the couple of pounds she put on while I fostered Wilbur but it's still too hot (just for the record I've not dropped the weight I gained while fostering Wilbur!).  Twice in the past week we've been out playing or walking and she's gone under the bushes to lay down, and then lays down several times while we are walking home. Then when we get back home I fill her bowl up with cool water and ice cubes and she seems better, but still wants to lay on me full length (not sure how that's helping her cool down, but I know she's telling me she wants comfort).


I'm happy to cut back on the walks to be "business only" but is she getting enough exercise that way? One of my neighbors had a dog who died from heat stroke this past year and I may be too sensitive because she just was telling me about it. We are already only walking in the morning and then past 6pm, (sometimes a quick tinkle at lunch time) so we're not out and about in the dead heat of the day.


I'm very open to suggestions and feedback, because I want Callie to feel good and enjoy her life!!

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In my personal opinion, "business only" walks are just fine for this time of year down South. I think the heat index says it is 103 today in Nashville. During this time of year, we typically walk them: 1) 2x in the morning, about 10 minutes each, 2) once during lunch - 20 minutes, 3) 1x after we get home - 10-15 minutes, few more quick trips at night. I live in a condo though, so "business walks" are necessary. WHen it is nice, I certainly stretch the time and she gets more exercise. We are also going to start doing daycare 2x/week for her this summer to help her get energy out. But Peri really hates the heat too. And she has her summer cut!
This is too, too hot right now for dogs to be out in any length of time. Even Taquito cannot STAND it and he is usually the one basking in the sunlight to warm up.
I also cut back Peri's food just slightly when I am not walking her as much...just slightly, but I don't want her getting hefty.
Frannie, you may want to soak her down with cool water before you go out for a walk. As the water evaporates it will help cool her down. You may also want to get her a Swamp Cooler Dog vest. REI sells them. You soak the vest in cold water before you put it on the dog. As the water evaporates from the vest it helps keep your dog cooler.
Oh that is a great idea. I am going to go to REI this weekend - thx.
Never thought of that! Great idea!
We go out really early in AM and late at night for longer walk. Charlie and I do 4 miles around 6:30 am, and again around 9:00 pm. Otherwise, it's way too hot!! During the day is bussiness only outing for us as well.
4 Miles! Kyoko, you are heroic.
I bought the Swamp Cooler dog vest to use for Lucy. We haven't tested it outside yet, but when I put it on her in the house, she hated it. Went and laid on her pillow and would not move or come when called until I took it off. She isn't usually the pickey one about clothes. Was probably heavier. I have also bought some cooling bandannas that have the gel in the part that goes around their necks that you soak in ice water and put on. They don't seem to mind those and they seemed to help Lucy some.
We have the gel bandanas as well....makes a big difference....they are also inexpensive and they last the whole summer....
I picture the Swamp Cooler dripping water all over the house and floor. If you dunk it in water wouldn't it drip? I am confused when you say Lucy had it on in the house. I was thinking of one for Gracie. We are not hot in San Diego right now but 70 and over Gracie is hot. Even at 60 -65 she is hot. She lays on the lime stone entry hall to keep cool. She will run and run for her ball and almost pass out, but once she is through she is flopped for the duration. She too will seek out the cool lawn in the shade and not want to budge until she is ready. Last year there were times she didn't want to walk int he middle of the day and would go on strike! She would just sit down and tell me she wanted to go back home. I think we also have to remember that our babies are a year older this summer and may react to the heat differently. I am curious to hear more about the Swamp Cooler though.
Nancie -- You dip it in water and the water is absorbed. Then you dry the outside off with a towel. You might initially have a few drips but it isn't constant. I just tried it out on Lucy in the house (mostly for fit & feel etc) when it first came. She wouldn't normally wear it in the house. This would be if we were going out somewhere like a parade or festival or something like that that I would put this on her. I was very surprised when I took it off that she wasn't wetter underneath the vest.
I must try those gel bandannas on Penny, sounds like a god idea.
If it's over 70 degrees...Rosco is hot. He pants like a marathoning doodle on short walks in temps above 70. He also thinks he needs to go out in the middle of the night to lay on the concrete walkway in our backyard to cool off. AND YET...right now when I went out to take out some trash, Rosco followed me and decided it was time to sunbathe..?
Penny's the same, 70 to 75 and it's too hot. She will hunt shade down even if we're out walking. But just like Rosco, she does like to soak up the sun once in a while. Maybe coz we haven't seen much in a loooong time up here in Washington state.



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