Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm a newbie doodle mom here - so sorry if this was talked about before.
I am starting to see some mosquitos here - right around when we take out the pup before bedtime.
And my husband wants me to figure out a better way to take him out - first thing in the morning and the last potty of the the day - when there are ALOT of mosquitos. I don't want my hubby or my two kids to be bit - b/c of the whole west nile virus and other various yucks out there. (I told the three of them that mommy can't do those things - b/c I'm dainty - LOL - the youngest one bought it- he is my favorite now)
And of course - I read about - that dogs can also get parasites from mosquito bites.
I don't like to use things like "OFF" b/c deet is very unsafe for kids and adults (Just my personal opinion) So - I don't know - what I'm gonna do.
what do you guys do?
I was thinking - is there some sort of articficial grass pad kind of thing - where I can put it - right near my patio door - where the pup can just go out real quick and do his business and come right back in?
If mosquitos are a big bother, I would set up a citronella torch or a bug zapper. My experience has been that my puppies don't immediately drop and potty, sometimes it takes walking them around on the grass and waiting for them to go. It will benefit you in the long run to have a designated area in the yard where you take your pup to potty - this would probably be a back corner. It will make it easier cleaning up piles if they are all in one area and not spread throughout the yard.
I wouldn't worry about your puppy and mosquitos as long as you have him on heartworm (if he's old enough - I'm sure your vet has addressed that). It can be annoying to wait for a pup to "do his job" but I've found that if my dogs know I'm in a hurry, they take even longer (at least it seems that way :-) )
So - do you guys think that - getting one of those artificial turf tray thing - to put on the patio would be bad? Would that confuse him?
Last summer - may husband had to do some really quick yard work one day - towards getting dark time. and he came back with - I am not kidding 20 mosquito bites all over him. We are really weary about - getting bit like that again. So I just want to be prepared - for when it gets really bad.
thanks for telling me - that i don't really need to worry about the pup - b/c of the heart worm medication. that's a relief.
The vet gave me - Interceptor - as his heart worm medicine. Is this what you guys use on your dog? Is this a good/safe one?
we do use - one those natural bug spray - that is made with eucalyptus.-which has very stron herb-y smell
But I would hate to spray all over with that - just to take him out quick for a potty break. we'll be taking a lot of showers.
yeah - its funny. we live in the suburbs of Illinois. wouldn't think there would be that many but during the really hot days - it gets really bad.
I'm not one for PRODUCTS. Honestly, I sit on the patio each night and ENJOY the summer with a huge industrial FAN! It works. Citronella makes me sick. Ask me over to your picnic and light those things and I will leave, politely.
I will wear a light-weight long-sleeved shirt to take the dogs out if necessary. Samples taken each year show my house, my block with TIGER Mosquitoes. We have a huge health concern in our area. Still, products make me so sick beginning with horrible headaches. So I just don't use them.
If you don't want to confuse your dog, and possibly end up with long-term potty issues consider that this season will pass quickly. Good luck. Let us know what your solutions you try and what works/not works.
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