Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This morning Vern woke me up by putting his enormous paw on my face. Sometimes, if I am working on my computer in bed while he is sleeping, when he wakes up, he sits and stares at me for awhile. If I ignore the stare, he lays his face right on my keyboard. Next, comes the paw. If you are really lucky, he puts both paws on you and it feels like a doodle hug.


Fudge almost never wakes us up and usually, reluctantly gets up when forced. She doesn't even get up sometimes when Vern has to go out.


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Maggie has never woken me up.   She sleeps in her crate in my room and stays very quiet until I finally get up.  It doesn't matter if I get up early or late, she stays quiet.


On the other hand, KoKo lets me know when she wants to get up.  She sleeps in the kitchen and like a clock, goes off at 6:15 every morning.  This is the reason she sleeps in the kitchen.  I'm afraid she would be up even earlier if she could see Maggie or me.  She's my little terror at just three months I'm not sure what my future holds with this little cutie.

Tori thinks it is her "job" to wake up my husband... funny too, because she sits at the bottom of our stairs at just about the right time every WEEK day morning until I say, "Go wake Daddy". (I'm up first of course) then she charges up and sits and waits at our bedroom door until I meet her to open it and say, "Go get him"... she then jumps right up on top of him, laying her whole body across him, kinda' like pinning him down and licks his face, tail wagging.   When after 'mission accomplished' she lays right down next to him until he rises.  then it's off to my younger son's room.  On the weekends, however, she stays crated until we go let her out.

If Zoe sits and stares, same thing, the head followed by paws.  If Zoe wakes me up, its usually a rub of a wet nose and a couple wet kisses and a stare.   If I ignore that I get a repeat.  On a week day when the alarm goes off and I leave my bedroom to go wake up my son, she runs past me and goes into his room and gives him the wet nose routine. If he covers his face and trys to roll over, I tell Zoe to get him up and she raises up with both paws on him and tries to kiss him through his blankets. Doods are smart!

Our guys never wake us up, which is a wonderful change (Murph as a puppy was up at 5:00 AM).  We always wake up first.  They are both really slow to really "wake up"....there's lots of stretching.  They're also very sweet and loving when the first get up....they are looking for hugs.  It takes about 10 minutes before they're ready to go out and "do their business". 

Don't you just love this - Gavin is super lovey in the morning too, we call it "morning cuddle time."  I actually sing it some days..."It's morning cuddle time!"

Allie doesn't normally wake us up.  One of us usually wakes HER up.  In the unusual circumstance that we really do "sleep in," she will come in the bedroom and make a huff noise with her nose, almost inaudible.  It's like she doesn't want to be a bother... but she really has to go!!!  lol.

Maddie (10 months old) sleeps in our room on her pillow - almost like clockwork at about 5am she comes to my side of the bed and nuzzles me with her wet nose, her tail beating like a drum on the wall the whole time - I usually pat her and say go lay down and she does for about 1/2 hour and then she proceeds to repeat the nuzzling and drumming until I finally give in and get up.

Gotta love her though - she's such a sweet girl.

I don't need an alarm clock anymore because Riley usually gets up at 5:30. 


First -- the stare

Second -- a grunt

Third -- more grunts

Fourth -- if the grunts don't work, then a slight whine

Fifth -- the whine gets higher pitched the longer we ignore him


Unfortunately, there's no "snooze" button with this one.

I love this thread!  Finnegan sleeps on his dog bed on the floor at the end of my bed.  He can't see me while I'm sleeping.  He doesn't wake me up but he knows (I have no idea how) the exact second I wake up.  I basically open my eyes, realize I'm awake, and make every effort not to move or change my breathing but it doesn't matter, about 2 seconds after I wake up, there's a huge THUMP from Finnegan jumping on top of me!  He covers me with wake-up kisses and insists on getting petted and doesn't want to get out of bed so he just lays on top of me.  Argh!  And the very few times when I oversleep (past my normal wake-up time), I get woken up by him jumping on top of me......he just decides it's wake up time.  He doesn't do that on weekends, I'm not sure how he knows......



Oh how cool.  I would love for my big girl to just jump up on me and want to stay right there with me.  Gracie will come up and kiss me but then go back to the foot of the bed!  I have to drag her back up for a snuggle!

Finnegan sounds like a genius to me. If he is as big as Vern, that would be quite a thump. Nothing better than a snuggly doodle.

Finn is definitely NOT a genius - he can't comprehend how I need him to get off of me, and off the blanket, so I can get out from under it in order to get out of bed.  We're working on "down" meaning get off the bed so I can untangle and get out of bed but so far, no luck.  There is definitely nothing better than a snuggly doodle :) 



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