Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There have been a lot of cases where because of matts, our doodles ended up naked. While Quincy has never been totally naked, the last time he actually went to a groomer he came darn close and it wasn't because he had matts. I had a long conversation with the groomer, gave her explicit instructions and a picture of what I wanted him to look like, it was not even close. It was that last grooming that inspired me to groom him myself.

While it wasn't a totally bad job, his head looked funny for months and he had razor burns on his belly and I'm not convinced they actually gave him a bath, he didn't have that nice fresh from the groomer smell and his feet still had green grass stains from a game of ball the night before. Here is a pic(not a very good one) of Quincy the day he got groomed. He looks angry.

I don't think he liked his new cut any better than I did. On the bright side, I didn't have to brush him for a few weeks.

So share your pictures of your naked doodles and how they rock the naked look.


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Grumpy-faced boy!

Rosco looked pretty peeved to me :) He also looks half the size he normally does in pictures.

Rosco, You are still handsome, but I would like to run my paws through a little more hair! Love, Fudge

Rosco,you have a beautiful "physique"!
Rosco and Murphy have the same build.
Quincy looks very unhappy.  I think he looks very cute, but to be on the safe side, and prevent tantrums, keep him away from mirrors for a while.

This is about as naked as you can get.

Do we have an after for this doodle Tina?

This is before.

This is very sad. :(
Oh boy : (

Chelsea's a little camera shy.

Now THAT is naked! This gets the prize for sure!



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