Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Good morning everyone,

We're headed to Rollins Lake, CA to go camping for the next few nights. Nickie our one year old Goldendoodle will be coming with us and it'll be her first time swimming.

We were a bit concern about blue-green algae because we remember wanting to take her for a swim in February near Napa Valley but they said that the blue-green algae killed a dog earlier that week. Is there a way to know if there's blue-green algae in Rollins Lake? We looked online and their website doesn't have any warnings.

Thank you so much.

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I am not from the area, I just know I wouldn't chance it. I am a "when in doubt, stay out" kind of girl. I also am not sure I would trust them to put up warnings on such a big holiday weekend. I have never seen it in person, but have read it kind of looks like green paint.

I agree with Amy. Stay away. It appears to be a widespread problem in CA due to the droughts you've had.

Here's some good information that's only three days old and refers to a dog who just died from this, maybe the one you heard about:

Is there a Parks and Recreation or other CA govt organization in the know you can call?

Wouldn't even chance it!

Yes, if your white doodle goes in the water, (s)he will come out greenish.  It is like swimming in a pool with bleached hair - it will pick up the color.  Don't take a chance.  Sometimes injesting the water can make them sick (or worse).

Thank you all for the replies!

I decided to not take the chance and let Nickie swim in Rollins Lake. It's not worth it. I'll have to look for another place in the Bay Area for her to swim!



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