Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am Mad as H-E-Double Hockey Sticks and I'm not Going to Take This Anymore!!

I realize we are not supposed to bring up old grudges on DoodleKisses, but I can’t stay silent any longer.  Things have been building up in me for a while now and I need to get some things off my chest.  The other night I was catching up on old episodes of Jersey Shore just minding my own business when I noticed I had a message in my inbox on DK from Sheila and Finnley.  Imagine my surprise when I opened it only to see that Sheila was calling me out on a picture I had posted in the Photography February assignment. 

Sure, she used those squiggles she is fond of, a heart, and a cute winky guy to soften the blow, but basically she wanted me to know that the picture I thought I was posting of an owl was really an osprey. She even went on to put water hawk in parentheses after osprey like I wouldn’t know that an osprey was a bird.  Well, I was stunned and right away went in and read the message to my husband and said, “How dare she imply my picture is wrong. Doesn’t she know I am a rapture expert?”  He just looked up from his IPad and said, “Since when? We have been married 34 years and I have never experienced any rapture.”  Sometimes, I get so tired of explaining things to him, so I just told him nicely I was talking about birds of prey, duh! 


Sheila went on and on and on in her message and she wanted me to know that my bird had too small of a head to be an owl and then she wrote, and I quote, owls have BIG, furry feet.  I guess I was most shocked that she didn’t add one of her goofy pictures of someone with big, furry feet wearing Velcro sandals to make her point followed by another winky face.

HELLO…we all know that she was talking about my feet and I don’t like it one bit. Well, to make Sheila happy I went to the picture I had posted and added a disclaimer that the owl was an osprey and sure enough F chimed in that she didn’t know what the bird was, but she knew it wasn’t an owl.  I felt like I had been sucked into a full-blown Birdgate, with no way out.  To make matters worse, to placate Sheila I told her she was a big headed I would not rest until I could post a picture of an owl to shut her up make her happy.  I told her I would search every day for a big headed bird and Cheryl and Finnegan told me to try looking on Sesame Street and Sheila posted and I quote again, Ha ha Cheryl, big headed, BUT not yellow! :) Don't confuse her!  

Hey Sheila, Is this an owl????

If this isn’t someone insulting someone’s intelligence on the open forum, well then I don’t know what is and I demand something be done.  Sheila is breaking all the DK rules and getting away with it.


It isn’t just the owl/osprey thing that has gotten my dander up, but a while back I posted a blog and referred to knee high pantyhose and Margaret (and Pebbles) still brings it up when I hear from her that there is no such thing as knee high panty hose. 

Margaret, Take a look at these:

People, I work for free and my staff of fact checkers quit because they said the job was too hard.  Oh, and there is more.  F posted about needing a protective cover for her dog’s wound and I nicely posted a picture of Fudge in her “gators,” to give F another option and it wasn’t long and Karen told me I spelled gator wrong, and it should be gaiters. 

WTD  I will have you know I attended Lutheran school for years and there are two things Lutherans do well, 1) Spell and 2) Memorize.  I used to be able to recite all the books of the Bible in record time and we had races to see who could do it the fastest.  I don’t remember winning, but I am sure I was phenomenal, and look at that big word I just spelled!  It also seemed like we had spelling bees every day and I was good at spelling.  Since I don’t make spelling misteaks, I would like to explain why I spelled it g-a-t-o-r-s.  Even though I have never been to Florida and know nothing about the University of Florida, and I’m not a huge supporter of the Florida Gators, I still decided to change up my spelling for a cute, little twist.  Rather than assume I can’t spell, I would appreciate the benefit of the doubt in the future.  I know it was an honest misteak, but I thought you should know.

I should have tapped into my blog/discussion/comment budget and purchased a pair of these socks to avoid confusion!  My misteak!


If that wasn’t all enough to prove my point, Lisa (and Daisy) just gave me instructions for using my dehydrator and here is what she said, Laurie, the dehydrator is EASY, cut thin slices place them on the trays and turn it on....of course it needs to come out of the box first. LOL.  The only reason I can come up with for this sarcastic hit again to my brain power is because she was so busy at work NOT and she had to rush to respond with her comment because her boss walked into the room and she had to look like she was actually working.

This is what Lisa looks like at work when she isn't on DK :)

The final straw, though, happened yesterday morning during a game of WWF with Joanne (and Spud).  It seems that F can play words like hadj and qat, but as soon as I played dhobi, Joanne all but accused me of being too dumb to know that word.  I told her that my daughter had been to India, but I could feel her across the Internet shaking her head.  It doesn’t matter, because I know for a fact that dhobi is an Indian word short for Dhobiman Pinscher and my dog sitter has one named Ajax and Fudge and Vern love him.  Case closed!

Two Beautiful Dhobiman PInschers!

At some point, I have been expecting Adina to close down some of these discussions and come to my defense, but so far it has not happened.  I understand that Adina is very busy, but she has met me and can protest to the fact that I am very, very smart.  Does anyone know who else I can complain to get this harassment stopped?  Adina, Is Natalie available to sort this mess out?  Clark?? I thought about JD, but Karen is involved! Wait a minute, I think I just thought of someone.


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DJ, I like how you think :) LOL

Laurie - I will send my pack to protect you against such harassment if Natalie can't!!  Don't worry, we have your back! And such a cute back too!!!!!!

Awwww....thank you so much, Adrianne. Have that pack on stand by :)

Dear Fudge and Vern's Mom,

I am very sorry to hear that you are being harassed by the crazy addicts who have no life other members of DK.

I can take your case and there would be no conflict of interest at all. Here's why; I found my mom's comment to you about the gaiters, and not only did she not tell you that you spelled "gator" wrong, but she didn't mention you at all.

Exhibit A:

Reply by Karen & Jackdoodle on January 28, 2013 at 4:11pm

Okay, I have to ask. Isn't the term "gaiters"?

As you can see, my fact checkers have not quit, and they do an excellent job. I am sure you will send an apology to my mom for publicly accusing her of harassment, and I am sure that a package of lime Tootsie rolls would go a long way toward easing any hurt feelings she might be harboring.

So, I would be happy to take your case, and because I feel very sorry that you are being persecuted, I will waive my usual fee and ask only that you pay all court costs and promise in writing never to send me another article of clothing again.

Your friend and ally,

Jackdoodle, Esq.

(Or as I'm now known to my DK friends, JD, J.D.)


JD, You know I love you, but I can't promise to never send another article of clothing. I just can't :) I will, however, tell your mother that I now see she did not name me personally, although implied. Please know that I do know how to spell gaiters, but in this case, I stand by my argument that I meant Florida Gator's gaiters :) BTW, I love Tootsie rolls, too!! Thank you for your time and help in this matter!

My mom said to remind you that she only likes lime Tootsie rolls. Sounds horrible to me, but you humans eat very weird stuff.

LOL...I will be sure and look for them :)

Ha ha ha, ROTFL !!! Tears and all !! Oh dear, I just don't know where to start ! Seriously, if you don't know your fowl, then you shouldn't cry foul, when you don't know an OWL.... from an Ospry!  Sheesh, blaming your bird misfortune on me. That just isn't right. I tried to be discreet and PM you about your stupidness misinterpretation.

You are the one who opened your pie hole and blabbed it all over DK !

Gosh I think that you are just all rilled up, because I know how to put all them fancy
 fan-dangled pictures on DK just like you. !
By the way, owls do have big furry feet.Maybe not as big as people who wear velcro boots though !
 special winky face just for you !
F... Margaret... Karen... and Lisa, we need to unite and let this big mouth blogger know that someone besides her knows some things. We have opinions too ! Who's with me ?

Where do I sign up?

F, Say it ain't so :)

 Oh Laurie, I LOVE F. Parker !!

: )



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