Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This is really dumb and has nothing at all to do with doodles, dogs, pets of any kind. It has to do with me being an idiot.
I just hit my head, really hard. I wacked it against the corner of the cupboard door in the kitchen when I got up from putting the dog food in the bowl (ok, I knew I could tie in the doodles). anyway, it really hurts, it's like pulsating sharp pain. It hasn't stopped for about 30 minutes. The pain is spreading and I'm getting a headache and it hurts when I touch the spot. I've never hit my head this hard. I googled around for answers but it seems like there are a lot of internet forums with really stupid and unreliable advice. So, my question is, do I have a concussion or something or am I over reacting?
Am I supposed to go to bed and sleep it off or keep myself awake in case I never wake up and my doodles end up eating my dead body. I better show them where the kibble is just in case...
Sorry for the odd question but I tried calling a couple of people and nobody is around. i figure there are a bunch of nurses and moms on the site who might know if I should wait it out or go see a doctor ...
Also, I had just poured myself a glass of wine. Do I drink it to numb the pain or do I avoid it incase I'm about to have an anurysm (sp??) or stroke or something? Just wondering ...
...I'm leaning towards drinking the wine.
Could be! I worked at a group treatment facility and cared for 14 very dramatic teenage girls. We utilized the telehealth service on a regular basis!
I seriously doubt you have a concussion and you do not have an aneurysm. Did you put ice on the area, you should. I would take some Tylenol and relax. No wine just now. In an hour or so it should feel less intense but you will have a sore lump for some time. You could develop a subdural hematoma nut that is unlikely given the circumstances. But this can develop and get more severe over days, weeks. If you feel strange re: thinking or things like that get it checked.
thank you F!
A "subdural hematoma nut" sounds delicious! lol, I think you meant 'but' instead of 'nut', but it took me surprisingly long to figure that out. Maybe I do have brain damage lol!
Oh dear, it's me who has the brain damage or typo disease. You sound fine. I'm glad you're cousin is coming over. Scalps are very vascular and the swell like crazy but I do think you should be fine. Just general advice since I can't examine the patient : )
Sherri, You got some great advice. Feel better and take care!
Sherri, I have also whacked my head on an open cabinet and it hurt like H..., and I had a big bump that was sore for days, but the initial pain, which was really intense, did not last 30 minutes (at least not at the same intensity). Follow your virtually mother's advice! No to sleep & no to wine!!
Hi Sherri...
I wasn't on DK yesterday so I missed out on what happend...
So sorry about your accident!
Just checking in today to see how you are feeling?
I hope your head is feeling better...the pain is subsiding...and today will be a wonderful one for you!
Hugs from Sasha and Susan
Hi everyone! In case you are wondering, I'm still ALIVE!
Thanks so much for all your concern. My head still aches a bit and is sore to touch but I didn't have any trouble waking up and my doodles have not feasted on my dead body. We are all good.
Next time I'm going to teach that pesky cupboard a lesson. They really shouldn't jump out at you like that!
Glad to hear all is well this morning.
So glad to hear you're OK. I've bumped my head hard enough to see stars more than once--not fun at all.
Great news...and I hope the headache gets better.
So glad you're feeling better!
Take care!
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