Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

R.I.P. Sophie Girl

March 3, 2008 - March 11, 2013

Good-bye Baby Girl!


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I'm so sorry, Mandy.

Mandy, I am so sorry. Both Sophie and Riley were much much too young to have dealt with so much. They are angels now running and playing in perfect health. God bless you.
Mandy, this brought tears to my eyes. I'm sorry you lost Riley so young. I remember your post. Hugs and prayers for you too.
Mandy, I'm sorry for your loss. You're so right.....much too soon. Hugs to you.

Thank you all for your kind words to me as well.  The comforting thoughts from all of you on this site are helping me along as I grieve, and I hope they do the same for Sherri and Lucy.  xoxo

Sophie Girl, so precious.  I know you brought a lot of joy and happiness to your family.  You will forever be in their hearts.  Hugs to your loving family :-)

oh Sherri, i was so sorry to read your posting today...may Sohphie only go to the bridge where she is well and happy forever more.  I didn't think it would be so soon,  i am so sorry.....  Hugs and comfort to you and yours now and forever...Sophie certainly has her angel wings, and they are so well deserved....May her memory always be there for you now and forever in your heart and mind....I am going to light a candle for her tonight to light her way to the bridge....Sophie so loved running and being outside, maybe with spring coming, u could plant a tree or flowering plant in a favorite spot, and as it blooms or grows, u will smile to know that she is with you always....Rest in peace sweet Sophie.....

So Very Sorry to hear about Beautiful Sophie.....My thoughts and Prayers are with You during this difficult time!!! It is TRULY the worst part of having Pets. We Love them So Unconditionally!!! HUGS~

Cheryl, I will be lighting a candle along with you tonight!  Rest in peace beautiful Sophie.

So so sad to hear this. It's heartbreaking at so young an age. I know she had a wonderful life and made lots of memories. Hugs to you all.

Sheri I am so sad for you and your family. I hope Lucy will be ok.

Sophie had the best life with you~you are in my thoughts and prayers. I just saw them in the Bark magazine, so cute.

Sophie will always be with  you.

Cheryl, Finnegan and i will join you tonight in lighting a candle for Sophie and Riley.



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