Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The rules now are:

PM me with you photo. If you're not my friend you can become one : )The picture can be from any time you were recognizable as yourself, that is, late teens onward. Of course if you are not a late teen, thinking of Taylor and Bryce for instance, a recent picture will do. I personally think we should select a favorite photo not some awful license thing. I will post the photo but you must follow along and let people know when they are right. If you want clues included tell me what you want to say.

Okay, off and running

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That must have been quite an adventure for you at that age! You look pretty happy!

It was. I was three when I started sleep away camp with much older girls. But my cousin was my counselor, my mother head counselor and we had assorted cousins and my sister there: ) My cousin claims I bossed all the bigger girls in my bunk around. Not a word of truth in that of course.

Ha! Notice I withheld the hokum because you already have one pending.

You are so kind or competitive : )

What about BG. She's blond.... I'm grasping at straws here.

Not BG.

How could it be BG if it was taken in the late forties, lol?

for the record, I guessed BG before the 40's clue came up.

Sorry, Sherri, I was just teasing you.

I know :o)

Now we only have one left on page 36 , which you should have gotten initially.




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