Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thought it might be funny to write what our dogs would wish for if they could have some dreams come true.

Porter's are:

1. All you can eat pizza, cheeseburger, and cupcake party with a "fresh" toilet to drink from (so much better than the filtered water in his dog bowl).
2. Daily playdates with several dogs who play keep-away with him and do not play with each other--are just slavishly devoted to chasing him.
3. To save the family from an honest-to-goodness intruder who runs away in fear at Porter's ominous growls.  Reward: see #1
(wish 4. A 5-acre expansion of our yard including the installation of a pond.)


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Wilson Doodles 3 wishes: 1. Catered slumber party every night w/ my bark park buddies! 2. Endless treat dispenser. 3. My kitties would play with me like a doodles : ) LOL
Lilly would want 1- Endless belly rubs 2-To be able to go with me EVERY time I leave the house. 3-To be able to catch a squirrel or a bunny..(just once);-)
Luca and Calla unfortunately had the squirrel fantasy fulfilled. And this past week a fledling Robin, too , but the robin was fine.
1) Mom would never, ever leave us unless we were with her....and we can sit her lap or snuggle up in bed with her ALL DAY.
2) Mom would permanently stay off her computer and play with us instead. Our attempt at computer sabatoge a couple of weeks ago only worked for a couple days...her computer is fixed AND she has one that she can carry with her everywhere (bummer).
3) We would have our own places at the dinner table and eat with the rest of the family (and we'd have what "they're having).
4) No more grooming EVER!
Whoops...just realized it said "3" wishes. The Doods and I got a little carried away.
well, you have 2 doods so maybe you should get 6 wishes, obviously Guinness and Murphy would share their wish results ..... right!

-Murph wants MY spot in the bed. He likes my pillows the best, and he's been doing his best to push me off the bed at night so he can take MY SPOT. It isn't "flying", and he's not happy about it. Last night I dragged him off after the third time he had pushed me off the bed. His bed privledges were done for the night, and I was yelling like a crazy woman. He reduced me to a screaming lunatic, and I think he was really proud of that. I'm telling you, this guy is a trip....but he is so loveable. What am I...crazy?????? I waiver between hugging and kissing the goof and "correcting him". LOL

-Guinness just wants Murph to stop "hogging" all of Mom's time. He also wishes Murph would shrink, so he couldn't push him around anymore. The "body slams" are starting to get old. Yesterday it took Guinness quite a while to get his breath back after one of those gigantic body slams. Guinness went flying across the living room, and I swear Murph was laughing at him. Right now they're at it again. Guinness is so mad he's trying to "hump" Murph's head, but he just can't reach. It's really quite funny to watch these antics.

I also want Lucy and Sophie's Mom's "Doodle Estate" wish. I just know I'm going to win the lottery, and it will happen.....and I'll have lots of "guest houses" so everyone can come to visit.
Please put Jackdoodle & me at the top of your reservation list!
You got it! Oh, how my guys would love to play ball with JD. He could certainly teach them a few things....they "stink" at it. I need to get our next ball playing session on's good for a few laughs.
Put Ned and Clancy on the list behind Karen and Jack. Clancy does a little fetching but is very polite about it and not ball obsessed at all. Ned thinks fetching is beneath him. If I throw a ball, I can darn well fetch it myself!
I thought I was going to fall off my chair when you said he was trying to hump Murphy's head but couldn't quite reach. You will have to put him in a "down" so poor Guinness can feel superior just occasionally.
My wishes:
1. mom would get me that special cake at least once a week!
2. I could go to daycare EVERY day.
3. mom would let me steal other dogs foods and just stuff myself.
4. Taquito would always be in the mood to play
Luv Lady P



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