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Is eating dog any different than pork? Shocking Article that will make you think!

Whoa, I was taken aback when I read this article just now. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, and am sorry if it does, but I just couldn't help but see how others react to this.


The author sort of has a point. Why should puppy meat be any different then eating lamb? I have toyed with the idea of vegetarianism in the past but have never thought seriously about it. This article really left me feeling nautious about eating meat. Maybe I should give it a shot? I wonder how many DK members are vegetarian... 


Puppy meat no different than pork, celebrity chef argues

Globe and Mail Blog

| Getty Images/iStockphoto

You take a turn past the free-range chicken breast display and organic grass-fed beef ribs and approach the butcher's counter for the cut you're really interested in: succulent, organic canine brisket.

Just think: it would make a great pot roast for tonight and you'd have leftovers for the kids' lunches tomorrow.

Does the thought of puppy sandwiches trigger your gag reflex or bring a sympathetic tear to your eye? Well, British celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says if you eat other types of meat, you should get a grip. He says he'd have no problems with a "high-welfare organic puppy farm," according to the Guardian.

"You can't object, unless you object to the farming of pigs," he says.

Mr. Fearnsley-Whittingstall wouldn't eat dog steak himself (he's recently become a vegetarian) but took the controversial stance to point out the hypocrisy among meat eaters who are happy to eat animals traditionally raised as livestock but are vehemently opposed to eating those raised as pets.

Our culture's opposition to eating puppies is based on a shaky foundation, he argues. At some point, we decided dogs would make great household companions and pigs (and cows and chickens) would be raised on farms and then grilled, fried and baked.

Surprise, surprise: not everyone's a fan of his stance.

A spokesman from the RSPCA told the Daily Mail, "...His comments may seem sensible but are actually quite controversial - especially when dogs are our most popular and loved pet."

Blogs reporting on the news have resorted to posting requisite photos of too-cute-for-words puppies to tug at our heartstrings.

But when dogs are cut up by a butcher (as is the case with pigs, cows and chickens) it's easier to get into a different head space about them, as this online puppy butcher proves. The butcher also doesn't identify what breed the meat comes from, all in an effort to make people separate "dogs as pets" from "dogs as dinner."

"We breed extra large, large, medium, small and extra small dogs in the one breed. This breed is not available as a pet which depersonalizes the Puppy Beef process. You wouldn't eat your pet lamb so we take a similar approach," they explain in their FAQ.

In Canada, dog meat is perfectly legal to serve at a restaurant - it just has to be properly inspected first.

If you eat other kinds of meat, would you ever chow down some baby back beagle ribs?

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Me too!! I began to use it on DK and it makes my day to do so : )
Please do not stop. It is one of my favorite words EVER on DK. I know you mean business when I see it :)
Thanks, I do mean business when I say it : )
I see, I was hoping against hope you were sincere : )
The Blood Type Diet, it's actually very interesting. My friend followed it after struggling with anemia and she is doing great.
Our doctor put DH and I on kind of a modified form of it and we are doing well after the changes too. I'm glad that  it helped your friend.

Sorry but the scientist in me compels me to comment. There is no scientific basis for this diet and, in fact, lots of scientific reasons why it makes no sense. Anecdotal evidence does not prove anything. Here is one site, which points out some of the fallacies behind this diet.

Not trying to prove anything F, just stating my own experience. HOWEVER, if it will make your inner scientist happy I will have a Big Mac with cheese and some fries for lunch today! And while I'm at it I'll have them Super Size it!!! LOL! Has your inner scientist seen the movie "Super Size Me"? :)
mmm, I'm off to have lunch and now you've just given me a craving! Doh!
No, not even my outer scientist has seen it. But being a member of Adina's diet group has me trying to mini size things and make much of my food of the healthful variety. The inner scientist always knew I should but the outer me tends to go astray : )
I've noticed that things seem to "super" more easily than they "mini". :(



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