Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I could not believe the experience at the vet's today. Thankfully we don't have to go that often. Jake has been poorly since late Thursday night. Generally listless, panting, not eating, pooing or peeing and not drinking water. Since that lasted more than a day, DH and I took him to the vet this morning because at 17 years one never knows. Still don't know what's wrong as we'll have to wait for blood results on Monday.

But the good news is he's perked up a bit since coming back and seems a little brighter. He's had some water, had a pee, and even ate some of the "food" the vet sent home with him. Boy what do they put in that stuff? Must be some powerful additive because Molly wanted some too. I should mention that all three of my dogs are raw fed and wouldn't touch kibble if their lives depended on it, but whatever was in that can sure got their interest. I only agreed to try it to spark Jake's interest in eating. It smelled like liverwurst.

But I digress, what really got me was the vet tech's comments. I suggested that Jake's smelly ears might be a symptom of something, but she said no, all dogs get stinky ears. I said that's not true at all since normally Jake's ears don't smell and neither do Molly's or Riley's. Her retort was just wait they will stink soon. She also offered the comment that it's very strange that Jake's breath doesn't smell. I said that was due to his diet. And of course she asked what that was. You would have thought I said I feed them live babies the way she went on. In her "expert" opinion, that's why Jake is ill. I stopped her right there and politely suggested to her that she do some research before giving opinions on topics she is woefully ignorant of. The vet came in at that point and she asked him if he knew what "diet" she (meaning me) feeds her dog. Well of course he knows what I feed my dogs, I've told him that from the beginning. He said yes and that's why they have such nice breath. She looked at him as though he had grown another head. It was priceless!!! He's not all for a raw diet but he once said that he couldn't argue with the results he sees in my dogs. Guess he forgot to tell his tech about it. Anyway, if that tech speaks to me again like that, I will politely inform her boss that I will be voting with my feet and will take my business elsewhere.


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The vet techs where I take Sadie would probably kidnap her if they could--that's how much they always love on her whenever we go. They've always taken my concerns seriously and treated me and my dog with respect. If something like this happens to you again I'd really think about taking your dogs elsewhere.

Sorry to hear about Jake Andrea.  Hope he'll continue to perk up for you. 

If you like your vet, I see no reason to go anywhere else.   My mother, who is full of sayings I just can't ever forget says, " There are people LIKE THAT where ever you go in life"

Maybe the vet tech, I'm assuming she is  young, will learn from people like you.  This will be a good thing.

Off the subject, but I once worked for a doctor, who I called, Dr. Doom.   He was awful.  Several of his patients told me, I was what kept them coming back.  He was a good Dr. for them, but it was my kindness that made them stay.

So, we can't have all the cake in one place or at one time. If the vet is good, ignore the tech

Oof. I had to school one of my vet's techs when Lachlan was a puppy. She was being snottily condescending to me and I'd had enough. My vet, who I've used for years, walked in at the tail end of it and laughed so hard she had to sit down for a minute before she started examining Lach. Apparently little tech did get a good talking-to after because she's been ever so polite ever since!

It's interesting (to me) and possibly worth mentioning that my vet, the first time I took Lach in there, hauled out her veterinary manual and turned to the (very short) section on canine dietary requirements. Right there in an informative box with bold font was Science Diet as the best of all food choices. Huh, I wonder how much that company paid the authors/publishers of that manual? I simply asked her two questions - had she actually read the ingredients on the side of a bag and would she feed that to her children? Her response, "point taken." It's never come up again.

Ha! good for you! We were looking for a different vet also=no warm fuzzies where we are. Just their opinions all the time too.

If she spoke to me like that I would have said something to the Dr. right then. Maybe she wouldn't be there next time!

Hope he's feeling better.



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