I was wondering if it's possible to insert someone else's picture, from this site into a discussion for illustrative purposes? I know how to do mine. when you click on properties for others pictures you don't get image location.
Yes, i got it but there was no little camera thingy when I started the discussion but Karen has now explained I'd need to edit to get it. shouldn't it come up at the outset?
BTW, we computer mavens :) call thingys icons.
It SHOULD have been there initially...it could be that the fireworks are irritating the site gods, so I'll take them down tonite, but since I announced them I figured I'd leave 'em up a bit longer.
I did eventually but there was no camera icon when i originally wrote the discussion. I was confused because the info format is different than when it's my own photo. Could I have put the location in the discussion anyhow?
If you click "Edit Discussion" up top on the right hand side of your discussion header, you should get the camera icon, and you can add, change, etc. anything in the original post.