Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thinking back on my history of ownership of animals my very first dog Was a poodle named "Precious" or "Pup Dog" as my brother would say.  I truly loved her with all my heart.  Also in my early 20s my best friend was a German Shepard named "Romeo"  a male which is with me forever.  For me as a man I have a female Goldendoodle named "Shelby" and a Calico cat female , "Cali"  Does it matter or do you wonder?

Do you as animal owner have the opposite sex preference or tendancies?

I would love the hear your thoughts of my Doodle friends........


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You got the best answer of the day!
My first dog was a female, Katie, when I was 4 years old she lived to be 14. Katie was a Springer Spaniel, I loved her so. Then onward to 3 different male poodles (everyone nastier than the next) they were my mother's picks not mine. When DH and I got a dog it was Zach the Doodle (of sorts) and though we loved him he was a handful and lived to be 15. When we decided to get another dog (Daisy) I insisted on a female, I realized they are my preference.



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