Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have all heard the joke, It is so hot...How Hot is it?, but it really is hot here in PA. Usually, there is a break in weather like this, but not this year. It just keeps getting hotter. So, while you are sitting under your fan or over top of the A/C vent, take a minute and fill in the blank.


It is Too Hot to__________________________________!!


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It's to hot here to feel perky.

Tune in tomorrow to "Can these plants be saved?". Right now they are in the sink ICU.

Very funny, except for the plants :) I will send positive thoughts your way that they survive.
I think they will. They are very piggy about water.
Good warning for us and the doodles! Much as I love my plants that would be far worse.
Thanks for all the prayers and wishes. These plants are restored to perfect health! Today was 92 when I was last out and honestly it didn't feel too bad. See what a little perspective will do.

It's too hot to drink red wine...I'm going straight for the vodka and lemonades...LOL

BTW heat index is 105 here today.

The temperature here is about 102.
It's only 90 here right now, with a heat index of 99, but we're supposed to get about 5 degrees warmer by later this afternoon.
They do say when life hands you lemons, make lemonade and vodka :)
I really do drink this during the joke.
Allyson, I would never judge you.....LOL!



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