Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so shook up I can barely type. We were out on our a.m. walk when suddenly this dog got out of his yard and attacked JD. I had to drop his leash, he was trapped. JD put up a fight but he's handicapped by his ruptured disc, and he fell. The other dog was over him down on the ground, I was screaming and trying to kick the other dog, I don't even know exactly what happened, my brain just shut down and it's a blur, it all happened so fast, but the dog was off of him by the time the owners came out. I was mostly worried about JD's back and didn't even know he was bitten until we got home. He has a puncture wound with a tear under his eye (thank God he missed the eye itself) and a big scrape across the top of his head. We're just back from the ER. They cleaned it and gave me pain meds and antibiotics...just what he needs with his IBD. I may not give him the pain meds, but I have to give him the amoxicillin, which is certain to upset his stomach. And I have to apply warm compresses to the wound under his eye several times a day for a few days so it doesn't scab up too fast. I am so upset I'm shaking. That dog got out of that yard so fast and so easily, they may as well not even have had a fence. 

Going to pick up his amoxicillin now. Poor JD. 

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Thanks, Barbara! 

OMD Karen I am so sorry for you and JD!  I am glad it wasn't worse, but it should not have happened at all.  Poor JD and I am so sorry for his injuries!  I hope the owners of the dog take some responsibility in cost of the ER visit.  Paw hugs and Doodle kisses from LIbby and prayers to the both of you.

Thanks, Lonnie. They have offered to pay the bill and I accepted! 

That makes me so mad. I'm so sorry you and JD had to experience this.

And yes, I would go talk to the owners and take them the bill. I'm sure this was not the first time this dog got out of their yard and attacked another dog. And I would complain to the local authorities as well.

Hope JD (and you) feel better soon.

Thanks, Jarka! 

OMD, poor JD indeed. Such a scary scenario. I am angry along with you. I don't understand the don't scab up too quickly part but I think you can talk to your vet tomorrow. I hope JD and you recover quickly  from this trauma and JD does well on his antibiotic. I do think the owners need to know you may contact the authorities. So negligent.

Thanks, F. The man said it won't happen again and I sure hope I can count on that. 

The scabbing thing is something about not closing up with bacteria in there or something. I'll ask my regular vet tomorrow. 

Oh Karen, I am just reading this now, and I am so sorry to hear what you and JD went through today.  I am very happy that the owner came by and offered to pay for his vet bills...I also help this medicine does not wreck havoc on his GI system..If this is one of JD's favorite routes, I would stop by the owners house, and speak with them (no dogs there) and see what the issue you said, the latch could be faulty, etc..that way you can cover the bases, to avoid this from happening you guys can stick to your regular route.  I also think a stick,or racquet of some sort is a great idea.  I have been thinking about this too lately..other options are the spray and taser, but they both scare me.. that they could add to aggression if they arent done right.  Good luck to the both of you, and I'm glad you are both ok.

Thank you, Jill.

I think I'm going to avoid that route on weekends. During the week, the people work and the dog is always inside, at least at the time we take our morning walk. 

I swear that I have no patience and consider no excuse appropriate for this type of thing.  Just like with kids, if you can't provide for and control pets, don't have them.  I hope that JD is OK and the meds don't upset his stomach too badly. It's bad that one has to carry things to protect themselves while simply taking a walk but, sadly,  that seems to be the way of these days. I've started to feel like I'm Matt Dillon (minus the bullets but with some type of protection) in Dodge City when we walk the boys.  

Thanks, Cyndi. 

For what's it worth, we gave Sully Tramadol when they thought he had Panosteitis (he was about 5 months old) and he has a very sensitive tummy.  He was fine with it, no problems.  Always gave him a little something to eat first so he wasn't on an empty tummy.  Hope JD's better very soon. 



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