Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I am so shook up I can barely type. We were out on our a.m. walk when suddenly this dog got out of his yard and attacked JD. I had to drop his leash, he was trapped. JD put up a fight but he's handicapped by his ruptured disc, and he fell. The other dog was over him down on the ground, I was screaming and trying to kick the other dog, I don't even know exactly what happened, my brain just shut down and it's a blur, it all happened so fast, but the dog was off of him by the time the owners came out. I was mostly worried about JD's back and didn't even know he was bitten until we got home. He has a puncture wound with a tear under his eye (thank God he missed the eye itself) and a big scrape across the top of his head. We're just back from the ER. They cleaned it and gave me pain meds and antibiotics...just what he needs with his IBD. I may not give him the pain meds, but I have to give him the amoxicillin, which is certain to upset his stomach. And I have to apply warm compresses to the wound under his eye several times a day for a few days so it doesn't scab up too fast. I am so upset I'm shaking. That dog got out of that yard so fast and so easily, they may as well not even have had a fence.
Going to pick up his amoxicillin now. Poor JD.
Thanks, Linda.
Oh Karen, this is terrible! I am glad that JD is ok (for the most part) and that you are ok (physically anyway) too. I can only imagine how shaken up you must be. Give JD a big hug for me.
Thanks, Amy. Honestly, I wish the vet had given me some meds!
I didn't talk to owner about the bites because I didn't know he had been bitten until we got home. His long hair hid it and I think I was just in shock. They asked if we was okay and I said I thought so at the time. I was running my hands over him, but didn't see his eye. I called them and left a message after i found the bites, before we went to the ER so we'll see what they say.
Thanks, Jennifer.
OMG Karen, this is horrible! Poor JD, but I'm glad the dog missed his eye. This is becoming so darn common. Finn was just shy of a year old when we had a similar situation with a cocker spaniel that came flying out of a garage down the driveway and on to the sidewalk to attack my leashed pup. Finn had so much hair that the first bite was a mouthful of hair. But the dog launched himself a second time at Finn's face. Lucky I had boots on and caught the dog in its solar plexus and sent it flying about 4 feet. I shook for hours. I know you'll be all over this, but you should report the attack to the police and talk to the owners. The next dog it attacks might not be so lucky. ((Hugs)) to JD and you! Heal quick buddy!
Thanks, Cheryl. I think all of his hair may have kept the bites from being worse.
The ER reports dog bites to the county, and I did give them the owner's info. They won't get in any trouble unless there are repeated incidences. I think that when the county contacts them, they will do something to insure it doesn't happen again, if only for the sake of their own dog.
I am on a board of health. The consequences for a repeat offender dog are fierce. To prevent the dog from being put down cost thousands of dollars of construction costs around here.
I am thinking about volunteering for the board of health here in my town, ever since I found out they are involved with the animal laws.
OMG, OMG!! Karen I am so sorry!!! I've been in that position before and know what you mean about being in shock! It is so horrifying-nothing can really prepare you for it. Now this is causing me to rethink protection for Tara on her walks too.
Poor JD has been through so much this just seems so unfair. I'm praying that he has a full recovery without any reaction to the meds and that your poor nerves recover quickly too. Hugs!
Thanks, Ricki.
I am really thinking I need to carry something with me on walks to protect JD. I know we've talked about this before, but I never really looked into it seriously. I don;t know what, but I have to do something.
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