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Please click the link above and donate! It is so scary and devastating!

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Kyoko.  Just completed a donation. I wouldn't normally donate to site I've never heard of, but I feel it's safe to since you posted this one.

Thanks Joe... It is sooo scary....
I am so sorry to read and see all the devastation, Kyoko. I hope you have been able to hear from family and friends.
Thanks for the link Kyoko.  I just donated as well.
Thank you so much. I think it is going to take along time for recovery. It is very shocking...
Kyoko, be sure to keep us posted on any relief effort you join. If you end up going there to help, I would want to be able to help you in any way possible. It is nice to be connected somehow and feel able to help during such a terrible tragedy.
I spoke with my mother yesterday. She lives right outside of Tokyo which is about 250 miles away from Sendai where the Tsunami had hit. She said that due to the energy conservation, they only have electricity for 3 hours per day. I guess refrigerator is out. She said that because people are buying out staple food for fear of future earthquake, there are nothing much left at the stores after standing in the long line for long time. Commuter trains has been restored and people are commuting back and forth to Tokyo now. Becuase Sendai was a fisherman town, there are no fish coming to the store, and because of the radiation concern, there will be nothing sold coming from Sendai area, she said. It is going to take a long long time for recovery.....
It stated that many companies are starting pull their American staff out of Japan due to the radiation concerns. My original thought was to somehow gather Japanese speaking social workers / counselors together to go help with debriefing for many survivors. But I guess that is out. I dont think any organizations such as Red Cross will support that effort, taking the risk to send anyone over there because of this major concern......


Kyoko, Talk with the Red cross anyway.  You never know what they are looking for.  It changes as things change.  If these are your wishes, and you are a counselor, they may be interested.  If not, today, then tomorrow, or next week.   They have a reserved list, and take from that list when needed. They cross the needs hourly and daily. These things don't fix in a week, a month, or a year.  Short-term recovery is 2 weeks --typically.  But long-term lasts ..... a long -time and has different time frames.  As things settle it may be time for other help.

My thoughts are with you and  your family. 

Yeah, they said that they are not seeking new people to volunteer for this matter at this time. But, I also contacted NASW - National Association of Social Workers - to see if there were any request made, thoughts has been kicked around, etc.... You never know.... You know when the earthquake hit Haiti, 2 young girls from Pittsburgh somehow arranged about 12 displaced children to come to Pittsburgh to be adopted! They stayed at this Christian based group home for awhile until all of the legal stuff has been completed. This tusnami in Japan hit around 3 pm, which means that moms was at their work, dads was at their work and kids were at school. Most of family had members in different locations. I am assuming that there will be a lot of kids separated from missing parents, as well....

They are being cautious.  During the first few days so many people and good organizations come out of no where.  They are warned because sometimes it backfires.   MOST have good intentions.  Some however, have their own good intentions but they may not be acceptable.  For example, during the last Tsunami (2005), Al Quada, recruited many young homeless orphaned Children.  " Come live with us, we have a home, and we can take care of you,  train you to become our soldier" No Joke.  Many children were taken out of because of desperation.  During Katrina, there were so many donations.  An entire football stadium of prom dresses. 

They may have heard you, placed your name, but would need to make sure. I think you did the right thing contacting NASW also. 

In Ohio, our group did not go into Katrina until day 20.  That is how long it takes to organize.  But they were still desperately needed--still.    They were there 3 weeks and then rotated out because of exhaustion. 

This will also be the case in Japan.  There will be rotations in and out. 

Contact your local Emergency Management Agency in Pittsburgh: 

200 Ross St # 5
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2014
(412) 255-2293





good resource! Thanks



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