What an amazing resemblance! And he didn't even have any plastic surgery!
(See Les, I knew you could make us laugh at Halas's expense if you tried! Brilliant!)
Jack is going as A Big Barking Doodle Tethered to His Mother All Night So He Doesn't Scare the Treat-or-Treaters...from the movie of the same name. It's a horror film.
This is what Winston will do when I put and outfit on him. He lets you take the picture and he will sit nicely. But you are very aware that he wants it all to be over right now.
That is soooo cute....Beemer was orginally going to be a BEE...but when we put the head piece on he acted like he couldn't lift his head...and we got this same look...so we had to switch gears....hence the Chippendoodle Dancer!