I took Lincoln for his vet visit today, and all is well!! They didn't do any blood work as they did it already before his neutering surgery which was only 8 months ago, and did not feel to do a Thyroid panel as she explained to me that he is not presenting with typical Thyroid problems, and felt it would be a waste of money for me. She felt strongly that it was mostly a behavioral issue that will be worked out with more training, and some follow up with the behaviorist that came to see us previously. The gentle leader is definitley a bone (no pun intended) of contention, and she recommended a Halti instead which is what she had to switch her dog to. She gave me a book to read from a well known behaviorist who actually takes phone calls as well (he became extremely allergic to dogs so had to take a different approach). We are working on this together, and she asked me at the end of the visit if I felt better, and of course I do!!!
I'm glad to hear the vet visit went well and you are feeling better. That in itself will help, dogs know when we're stressed and react to it. Hope you & Lincoln have better days ahead!
Diane, I am so glad that you follow through with updates for us. Thanks for that. Hopefully you are able to sort out the behavioural issues. Please continue to keep us informed.
I'm so glad you're feeling better and I really think you're on the right road to getting answers! I'm sure we can all learn from your experience as you go through this "journey" with Lincoln.
I am glad I have you all here to talk to also!! I have learned one thing if nothing else, that I will have tried my hardest and best. My friend told me a very good story today about her friend that had Shepards, and she loved them dearly, but there was one Shepard she adopted that posed her an extreme challenge, and she tried everything she could to change the situation, but she ended up in the emergency room 3 times. She finally had to make a very hard decision and re-situate the dog, and it was very sad for her, but the ending of the story is good: The dog now searches for people after disasters, and is doing extremely well. She keeps in close contact with the owner, and follows his progress. She had to resolve that this dog was not a good fit for her. This particular dog needed more stimulation, it needed a job to feel it's best. Hopefully I'll never have to make that decision.
I know you have tried so hard with Lincoln, Diane. I truly hope things turn around. I'm glad to hear Lincoln's vet visit went well. How do you feel about the behaviorist? Would you recommend this person to others??
Thanks Ann. Honestly I was not really that happy with the behaviorist because I had to remind her to send me the instructions of what I was suppose to do, and then she did not follow up with me, and really it was more like a mini training session of stuff that I basically already knew. I told the vet that, but she didn't have much to say about it. She just explained what she would have expected from the behaviorist. She basically said that I could have called her back with any issues that I had which I guess is true. I felt she should follow up with her clients, but maybe that is not the protocol.
Today I bought the halti for Lincoln, and he likes it MUCH better than the gentle leader, and personally I like it too!! The aspect I liked about it was that if he lunged at another dog or person it tightens like a muzzle, but only if he gets out of control because the bottom part under the chin tightens up otherwise it hangs quite loose which he likes much better. Also I forgot to mention that I was walking Scottie and Lincoln on a Y leash with the gentle leader before, which was a big mistake that I realized accidently only after because Scottie can not get away from Lincoln, and when Lincoln lunges it tugs on his GL. Really bad of me not to have foreseen that. Tonight I took them out on separate leashes, and it was the best walk I've had with them lately. Lincoln behaved really well. I found I was able to direct Lincoln's head forward much easier when he got distracted.
He still didn't like it being put on him much, but not like the GL, and with time if he likes this one better maybe he'll not get as anxious.
Well that's it for the Lincoln update for this evening!! LOL I wish you all a wonderful rest of the weekend.