Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OMG my Doodle puppy has been so hard to handle the last few days (he's always been a challenge, but I thought I saw a light). I knew he was getting better because I wasn't constantly talking about what I was going to do almost in tears!!! I'm back to that point again. Is is normal for his behavior to go up and down? He's biting like crazy again, and testing me constantly. He's into everything. I have everything blocked off. He was biting me out in the yard again where I couldn't get control of the situation, and so I fled running yelling "NO BITE", and left him out there to stew, but I don't think that had any affect!!! He's been having separation issues as well even when we are only a few short feet away where he can see us in the living room. We ignore him as much as possible but it is so ear piercing!!! When he's quiet I give him a treat and tell him good quiet. I'm doing everything in my power (I think). I work with his training and he obeys so well for food. He's even learned drop it because every time he gets something he shouldn't I ask him to trade it for a treat and tell him to drop it. This has been a challenge and I find myself losing all resolve, and questioning myself why I got another dog, and I hate feeling that way!!!! Oh and he never stops scrapping with my older dog when I try and let him free (on a lead). I can hold on to him too well anymore as he is so much stronger than I. Thanks for letting me rant!!!

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Is this the same dog/puppy that learned basic obedience in one lesson?
Try taking Lincoln to the dog park, or if you are taking him for walks work on your
obedeince with him. If you work during the day and can take him to doggy daycare a few days a week, than if you can follow up with a pet sitter on the days he is off from doggy daycare, this will take his energy and channel it else where.
No not one lesson. He did know all the basic commands by the end of puppy class (sit,stay, down (with persuasion) leave it, and off). He doesn't sustain his stays for very long yet, but I"m working on it. He also is very good at waiting before entering the house or leaving his crate. My issues are more of the biting, yipping, how to play nice kind. When he's very excited he gets out of control.
The way I look at it is he's too young to 'self control' and so we, the humans, must do it for them via obedience commands. But first comes that pain in the booty daily practice...time to start going away from home for practice. You don't have to go far...but just add some LIGHT distractions to help him learn to deal with distractions.
Will do!!
Sorry you're still struggling with the cute booger. YES, they can go up and down in naughtiness for some time.
When you say "scrapping" with your older dog...what does this look like and is your older dog acting like he can't handle it?
Thanks Adina!! My older dog actually instigates it sometimes too so I'm having a double sided problem, but Lincoln (Doodle) has too much staying power for Scottie (6 year old Shepard Mix). Scottie has pinned him a couple of times, but the Doodle keeps coming back for more and he never lets him know who's boss. I don't see aggression as both tails are wagging and some growling from Scottie, but it isn't an aggression growl. No baring teeth or anything. Lincoln is always trying to mount Scottie which I figure must be dominance somehow. I've never had two dogs before so this is all new to me. Scottie was a handful, but not like this. He was much more calm.
Honestly I'd let them work it out, but just supervise so you CAN intervene should they actually get too rough.
I feel your pain with the nipping/biting. I had JAWS on my hands for a year until we got serious about was NOT fun!
Jaws...Hmm that would have been a better name for him!!! lol
I play with him in the kitchen for about 15 minutes tossing his Kong, and other toys, and when I've tried to throw the tennis ball outside in the yard he isn't that interested sometimes. I even bought him a frisbee and he won't chase it. It's bizarre really for a retrieving breed I find. I don't have a place for him to swim here and it's too cold right now. I have put him in doggy day care a couple of times and it helps, but he comes home so dirty, and smelly that I always had to bath him because he really stinks, and he's not easy to get into a tub!!! Just gave him a bath a couple of weekends ago. As I mentioned before he's really big, and I'm not that big so lifting him into the tub is not a fun task for me alone. I could take him to the dog wash, but I really don't feel like going every week honestly. lol
Thanks about the name. It just seemed to fit. I am a little aprehensive about the dog park yet because I don't know how much control I have outside with him. I haven't done much outside training except while walking. I'm teaching him heel with treats while walking, but no outside training with a long lead yet. I guess I should get on that!!! Tons of inside training though.
We've all had those days. I found hat when Luca started nipping in the yard a few times of going out on a leash and being hustled into his crate if he acted up greatly decreased the behavior. If you having trouble holding him on a lead a prong collar works wonders to avoid pulling.



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