Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

my dog rufus has been on doycline meds for lyme for 25 days just found out i was giving a two pills a day instead of 4 a day in which i was so upset  so now i called the vet and she told me to finish his meds with the proper dose wihich was 4 a day so i started to and he was throwing up and not wanting to eat spitting out his meds with food i used every piece of food possible and has been  drooling and panting like crazy since on the meds  and very lazying  so i called the vet and she said to stop his meds completly ???? i am so confused he is going back friday for urine test  i am so stressed  why cant she prescribe him something else instead of stopping him i just hope it worked enough in his body since he was on low dose for short time

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Oh brother! So sorry for the mess! Just out of curiosity did Rufus have signs of Lymes disease or did they find it by the heartwrm/Lymes disease test?

Either way I am so sorry. I don't have any advice but I would be upset with my vet if they prescribed the medication wrong.
Thanks ...He was having mucusy stool and eating grass so i brought him in and they did blood urine and fecal and found he was lyme positve so they started him on the meds and i stopped him this morning since the vet said to andhe just threw up again his food
Thanks, I was just asking for my own reasons because my dog had one false positive Lymes test..but he had no symptoms other then a bald spot on his back which is now believed to be for a "hair injury"

My old vet was ready to put Jack on treatment right away but my mom was watching him at the time and brought him to her vet, two different tests were done and it showed no Lymes disease.

I Am in no way suggesting thatnisnthe case for you at all. Lymes has to be treated.....I was just wondering about the symptoms because the one positive Jack had drove me bonkers......

Not to make it about me...I always just wonder what and how other dogs display symptoms of Lymes.

Where I live is a very low incidence of Lymes but I am on the fence about getting him his vaccine, just because I know what it can do left untreated.

Best of luck to you in getting your baby better

My dog got really listless, she was barely getting up to greet me when I came in. She also was sleeping all the time and not eating. My vet did two tests, one was a rapid test that it looked like a pregnancy test. That came back positive so they did a blood test. I can't remember the number but it was really high. She just went back in a month ago for a retest to make sure the lyme was gone. Everything turned out fine. BTW my dog had the lyme vaccine. She was getting tons of ticks in the fall and spring. Luckily she hasn't had any in a month or so.

I think they can redo the blood test and find out if the meds worked. Good luck, hopefully everything will be fine.

I just hope it did some good to him the 25 days his been on it even though it was a low dose his tummy is sensitve o am going to see if the vet can give hm something smoother on the tummy but yet help treat his lyme when i go friday and he is also suppose to get his yearly shots next week :(

I was going to suggest thus too.....those "heavy duty" antibiotics can make them pretty nauseated. 

thanks guys for the  well wishes i appricate it last night he threw up blood so i ended up taking him to the animal hospital they are checking his platlets and doing a complete blood count to make sure nothing else is harboring that the clinic i took him too missed and i am going to have to switch him to a full clinic cause where i have been taking him does not have lab or xray and they told me to go to the hospital also when i went this morning they  gave him some anti nasusa meds and said just water till tonight then i was thinking rice and dog wet food mabey or rice and chicken to see if he hold it down  they did urine again and said not protien in urine so  which is good they also answered why he might of had muscusy stool 4 weeks ago at the start of this the new vet said could have been coltitus and to give him something with  fiber  to help next time

also vet said doxy is off the list of meds for the future to give for anything  to harsh for him

So sorry to hear this. I really hope he feels better soon, it's tough. Keep us posted.

Thanks I have another app tomorrow for a c6test that I kinda wanted from the beginning And one more urine cause his urine yesterday came with a trace of protein but was the first pee of the day so it was consitrated . And he is off meds for now I also posponed his vaccines till three. Weeks from now so he came recoup from it but they said they want to give him Lyme shot which I am not to crazy about since he is Lyme positive anyone know if that's is safe ....????
So far off doxy meds no protein in urine and vet says looks good just waiting for c6test results

thanks everyone !!! rufus had his c6 test done and it came in at 50 so vet says do not need to give him meds again he is not showing anymore symptoms  he went in for a recheck  :)



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