Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Poor little guy. He was playing and running in the yard a few weeks ago when he suddenly yipped and stopped using his left rear leg. He didn't use it at all for the rest of that day, but started using it the next day (though not much) and was able to use it more each day following. It was on a Friday later afternoon that he first hurt himself. So we went to the vet on Monday and she confirmed a tear in his ACL. She said it would take a LONG time to heal. Surgery could be an option, but she said since he's not really in constant pain not necessary. He's just limping. So we will see how he does.
So it's been a lot of resting for Mal. He's 6 now, but he still likes to play and we take a lot of walks and hikes. We haven't been able to take our big long hikes, but we are still doing some good walking....well, I am still doing some good amount of walking. The Captain is doing a good amount of riding in the stroller I bought him and a little bit of walking. I had to get him a nice comfy smooth riding stroller so we can still go "off road" a bit on unpaved trails. He seems to enjoy riding.
My Monty had surgeries on both knees in 2015. He was 5 at the time. He hurt his first knee while running on a beach in San Diego during our road trip and the torn ACL took forever to diagnose since he was only limping after taking a nap. I really wanted to avoid the surgery, but after consults with several vets I learned that a torn ligament does not heal itself. Yes, you can get him a brace to keep the knee stable, but the torn ligament will still be there. So Monty had a surgery in January 2015. I followed the PT regiment and we did exercises and hydrotherapy for full 16 weeks. No off leash play. In week 14, he started limping on the other leg. Unfortunately, once one knee goes, there is more than 60% chance that the other knee will get injured as well, thanks to the over-compensation. Monty's second surgery was in June 2015. We were finished with rehab in October. So yeah, pretty much the whole year was spent in rehab. It was well worth it, though. He runs like the wind now, you can't even tell. The surgery and the rehab time is horrendous, but I don't regret putting him through it. I know without the surgery, he would have been in constant pain and I just could not do that.
My Springer Spaniel tore both CCLs a couple of years apart. Since his were full tears, surgery was our best option. I hope Mal heals well with rest and time.
It looks like your guy is on the smaller side. From what we were told, the smaller dogs are able to heal these tears with lots of rest. Important thing is going to be to keep a close eye on his weight. Particularly because he isn't getting to hike and run and play a lot right now. I've heard that once one gets torn the chances of the other one going is pretty high. Has a lot to do with their putting a lot of extra weight on the good leg while the other one heals. Our Lucy had a partial tear but she was 80 lbs. She would hurt it, it would get a little better, then she would hurt it again. We finally opted to do the surgery. Ortho Vet that did the surgery wanted her to get down to almost 60 lbs. That has never happened, although she has gotten down some. In hindsite, I would do the surgery again. It was a long road to getting back to normal, but she is great now. Best of luck in the healing process.
Thanks all.
His is not a full tear or rupture. That's why the vet didn't feel like he absolutely had to have surgery right off the bat.Yes she said he's most definitely going to have arthritis in both knees and has a high probability of a cruciate tear in the other leg. I have also started giving him glucosamine chondroiton (doggie dailies).
He's a small guy, but a bit chunky. I hadn't been able to get his weight down for some reason. I had him on Annamaet Lean kibble. I switched him to Sojo freeze dried raw and he went from 43 to 41 pounds in just about a month or so I think. I have no concept of time lol. Anyway I had him on the weight loss path. I have cut his portions a bit as well since he's not able to be as active. I hope he can keep losing weight. He could stand to lose about 5 more pounds maybe.
I did also contact the Medvet in our area about possible rehab services. I'm waiting for them to call me back.
I have found the best way to help my dogs lose weight was to cut down just slightly on their portions. It took a while but, the dog didn't realize he had less food. Some people mix green beans (UNSALTED) with their food. It makes them think they are eating just as much but there aren't added calories.
I have used green beans before...I may need to start doing that again. Part of his rehab at medvet will include dietary advice/plan as well. Thanks!
Skadi tore her ACLS before the age of 2. She had to have surgery. Today she is 7 and has not tore the other stifle's ligament, I try to keep her weight down ... which she hates! She is not as active as Elli who is 8 1/2. Skadi can still go for walks, but arthritis had already set in before we even had the surgery, so sometimes she balks at walking. She does like to "stroll" off leash in the woods...has no problem there...go figure.
Wishing Malcolm the best!
So Mal has has had 10 sessions of therapy including laser, underwater treadmill. He's better, but still not 100%. Maybe...70%? I'm thinking about surgery now. Those who's doodles have had a CCL surgery - which did you do? TTA, TPLO, ELSS?
I'm waiting for Mal's regular vet to call me back with her opinion. I really wanted to avoid surgery, but I don't know if I can at this point.
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