Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have just seen the new movie Marley and me. I don't want to give anything away, but I am happy to say that Labradoodles are mentioned early in the movie, as the main character is considering getting a dog. They end up with a lab, although I believe we do see a labradoodle in two scenes. (obedience class and the beach)

This is certainly a movie for all dog lovers! Go see it soon. (bring kleenex!)

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Leave after the kids are playing football outside with the dog. Marley has trouble going up the steps into the house. Yes, we know what is coming and it is difficult.
OMG!!!! I REALLY want to see this movie. We are considering in taking the kids, but I am a little nervous taking Rylie (3 years old) there. Although she is becoming a dog lover :)
Holly, please see my comment below, I don't think you will want to take Rylie to this.
I saw the movie yesterday.It was great, best movie that I've seen in awhile. I also read the book and was glad that they kept with the story line............I felt like Owen Wilson was making fun of labradoodles in the beginging, did anyone else think that?
I didn't think he was making fun of them... He was just laughing at the silly name and it sounded like he had never heard of it. Ya gotta admit labradoodle does sound silly :-)
That's what never made sense to me when i hear people say, "My husband doesn't want a poodle, he thinks it's a sissy dog." But LABRADOODLE sounds masculine? LOL
I agree Adina...........but at the same time, I was thinking he was SUCH a man, he did not want a dog with the weird know what I mean?

But I was glad to see 3 Labradoodles in the movie :)
This is important for those who haven't read the book, and maybe even for some who have: I remember that in the original review of the book the New York Times said something like, "Of course, this isn't really a story about a's a story about a marriage." That's the main thing to think about when you are considering whether or not to take your kids. It really isn't a story for kids. There has been much conversation on-line from people who let pre-teens read the book and were upset about the marital scenes, etc.
Marley and Me is the story of a marriage, and the changes that a couple goes through during the years between getting Marley, (pre-kids)and of course, his death. During Marley's life-span, they have pregnancies, births, deaths, career changes, major disagreements, and a major move. All the things that make up a life. Ask yourself, is this something my children would be interested in? For the majority of kids, I think the answer is, no.
Yes, Marley figures large in the story.Yes, there are funny scenes with the dog. But when we think about any dog we've had in the past, we think of the part of our lives that that particular dog shared with us. Our early years before the kids came, our empty nest years, etc. We remember the challenges we went through...a move, a death, an illness, whatever, during the part of our lives that dog shared. That's what Marley & Me is really about...about the way a marriage grows & changes, & how two people deal with the triumphs, disappointments, joys, and chaos in their lives...including the chaos caused by a large, poorly-bred, untrained dog.
There are lots of good movies out there for kids this season, even one about some kids rescuing a group of dogs, I don't remember the name, but I've seen trailers on TV. If the Marley movie is at all like the book, it really isn't anything most kids will enjoy, IMHO. Hope this helps.
Thanks Karen :) I think that Dylan may like the movie because he has been through the death of 2 dogs this year and I think he could relate with the movie. If I end up taking him, I would definitely explain what the movie is about and let him decide if he would like to go.

I have to say Dylan is a type of kid who understand things you would not think he would. But like I said, I would give him the choice. Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it. Rylie will definitely not see this movie.
I saw Marley and Me 2 days ago, and loved it. While it doesn't stick to the book exactly, they did a really nice job pulling the story together. I read the book about 6 months ago...and bawled my eyes out. I cried hard in the movie, but not quite as hard as when I read the book. Overall, it is a wonderful testament to a family's relationship with their dog.

As far as whether to bring kids, I think you need to consider this on a case by case basis. I brought my 5 year old son (who is very bright and mature), knowing what was going to happen in the end. He found it sad, but overall really loved the movie. We used it as a launch pad to talk about the fact that dogs unfortunately don't live as long as people, and we talked about the fact that our older schnauzer (who is 13 now) would go to doggie heaven someday just like Marley. He definitely wasn't traumatized (frankly, there is worse stuff on TV and in the news...if you are not careful about what they see). Afterwards, he told his grandparents about what a great movie it was, how funny (with details on Marley's antics) it was, but that it was sad at the end. He is still bringing up aspects of the movie days later - but all in a positive sense. Like I said, use your own judgement - knowing your own child and their temperment.
I heard it was sooo good!!! I'm with some others..I will cry too much because I know the story and I can't bring myself to sob in a full theater! :) I'm such a baby! Can't wait to catch it on DVD!
I thought I would share that last night there was NOTHING on TV and we came across the Dog Whisperer...he was actually going to the author's house of Marley & Me. They have a new lab named Ginger they needed help with. Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share. I was happy to hear that (when they mentioned Marley) he lived to be 13 years old.



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