Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Everyone okay after the storm?  Wondering about our Illinois friends (Karen?).  Stormy and windy here with winds reaching 100km but no tornados and so far no big damage here(touch wood) but keeping a close eye as the winds howl around the house.

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Leslie, sooo glad you and your mom are safe.  Bless you for helping.  If there's something we can do/donate, please let us know.

It's only getting down to 39 or 40 tonight. That's a lot warmer than it could be this time of year, so I hope that helps the displaced pets. At least it's well above freezing.
Oh, and one weird thing is that we hardly had any rain. Nothing but sprinkles before the tornado. A little while later, it rained for about 10 minutes, but that was about it.

Everything went north and south of us (we are south central Illinois), we lost one shingle off the roof and the tallest limb off my favorite willow tree, everything else was minor.  Our prayers though are following all of those that were in harms way.

Glad to hear that Karen and JD are fine, and the same with Leslie and Halas. I was thinking of everyone, and hoping for the best. I checked on Jay, Lola, and Esau through Facebook. They just got very heavy rain. I hope that all missing people and pets are found and safe.


My heart goes out to all the people who lost their devastating.  Leslie, I see that you're sharing the photos of the pets that have been lost....hoping that Facebook will help connect their owners to them.  It must be so horrible to lose your home and not even know where your pets are and even if they're safe. 

My thoughts go out to everyone that was in the storms paths.

I hope they are all reunited with their fur kids.  So sad to see so many seperated.

Glad to see that our friends here are ok. My heart goes out to those who have had damage or are missing their pets.

Glad to hear our DK members are safe and of course helping others.

I wasn't prepared for tornado warnings in November that's for sure! I was more

worried about my brother living closer to Illinois. Praying they reunite some of those animals

with their families!!

Thinking of you all and so hoping those pets will be found and reunited. I know that wherever DKers are they will be first to volunteer to help so I'm not surprised that Leslie and Halas and her Mom Judy have extra visitors and pets tonight and are doing all they can. Keep safe and sending lots of love to anyone in a storms path.

My mom is in Florida, and is really disappointed that she isn't here to help.  It's kind of funny that I invited people to stay at her house, but she was happy I did it.

Oh Leslie, I just presumed she was there...good that she is in Florida though and that her home is being used during this time to help others.



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