Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There have been a lot of conversations about the flea preventatives people are using.  My question is this, would it be ok to give Gunner Comfortis for the fleas, but still use the Frontline Plus for ticks?  I can't get a clear cut answer & want to ensure I am not giving too much, yet treating both fleas & ticks?


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I want to know this answer also. 
I would think that that would be over doing it, but what does your vet say? My guys take the confortis and I use a tic collar for them, so far so good, no fleas and no tics, and they seem to be ok with it...
The Frontline Plus kills both fleas and ticks, it should be sufficient. I wouldn't give both products.
I give my Gracie Doodle Comfortis once a month and also Sentinel once a month for Heartworm.  I give one on the 1st of the month and the other on the 15th.  If we are going anywhere where there are ticks then I either use Frontline Plus (next time I am trying the Advantix) or I use the Advantix Tick collar.  Gracie is 4 years old and I have had no problems with her at all on any of the medications.  Comfortis and Sentinel are tablets so they treat internally.  Frontline is external so it is not the same thing and there should be no conflict at all.  To each their own though...some people feel they don't want to put any chemicals in their Doodles at all.  I just know it works for us and Gracie is just fine.  I don't know of any other way successfully prevent fleas or ticks.

The Heartworm meds and flea/tick products are separate meds in most cases and you do need both. But almost all topicals are designed to kill both fleas and ticks, so just one med can be used for both fleas and ticks. (The heartworm is a separate issue.)

I agree that none of us is thrilled to use chemicals on their dogs, but I don't understand why anyone would use a flea preventative that doesn't also kill ticks, when there are so many products that are effective for both.

As many have stated & I have seen for myself-luckily not with Gunner, Frontline isn't effective as it once was.  I have used it for over 10 years, with no issues, however even the vets are saying it isn't as effective, hence why I want something more for fleas, yet still using the Frontline for ticks.
The frontlines wasn't doing its job... so I called my vet and asked if there was anything else they could give me that I could use in conjunction with frontlines.  They said yes and told me to come pick it up.  I never mentioned Comfortis but when I got there that's what they gave me.  They said it's not a problem to use both.  I gave it to Brinkley last night on a very full stomach (they said make sure he's had plenty to eat before giving it to him) and I'm finding dead fleas on him this morning.  It's the first thing that has worked all summer.  The bug guy is coming to spray again on Thursday.  Maybe (hoping) I've finally nipped this flea issue in the bud.
Thanks for the info!
Hope to hear you are flea-free soon!



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