Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today the Path Lawyer and Social worker were at my house... I had a million paper work things to fill out and finally I know made a real will. I had no problem what so ever with anything except Jack......... of course Jack. It was easy to decide who would get any money and or the house....

My mom wants Jack of course... and of course I want her to have Jack because that would be the smoothest of all transitions ....... since he is so attached... 

My mom is 72.. Jack will be five in March and Molly just turned two.... I am petrified that the proper arrangements won't be made for Jack and Molly after my mom dies..... 

There isn't anyone in my family that would take them or that I would allow them to go to... I want them to be together as that is all they will have and know....

What I don't know is how to go about making sure this happens.... I have had a friend tell me they would take them.. but in reality that would make it four dogs for them all around the same age.... Her husband already doesn't want her to get more dogs....though it wouldn't be that they couldn't afford them.....

I don't know if this is impossible but I want to have this worked out.. where they will go when my mom and i are not alive anymore should my mom not live to see both of them end their life....

Most of the people I know that I would let Jack and Molly go to already have a dog or three and it is just to much to add to the mix...

I know for now I can say to ask DRC for help placing them and that my mom could leave some money for them to be cared for.. and I love and trust how DRC screens them..... but they would be heart broken if they can't stay together.... they will have already gone through so much change.

I know I can't control everything but I would have so much peace if I knew that Jack and Molly would always be able to stay together and that they would be loved and cared for in the manor in which they are used to...

Please don't judge me for getting a dog knowing I was sick...... I had no idea any concept of what a dog was like before I got Jack.... he was bought for me as a gift... and Jack and Molly are very much my children now.... what is done is done.......

I will not send them back the breeder either. Love my breeder but I will not do that. Any ideas or advise? What an awful feeling not to have it settled......I can't even tell you//how sickening it is/... and we don't know timing of anything for either one of us... but doing all this paper work, wills and wishes really smacked me in the face.

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I have told my sons to come here on DK and announce the sudden 'situation' knowing that all the good people I love would make the right choices for me.   They were offended and said, It is their dog if something happens,  but I have let them know my wishes just in case and they promised they would.  I do believe they will.

I think if you stipulate this in your Will, it would be honored, Jen.  You have to have faith that it will be carried out.

What if no one can take them together? I think my brother would come on here and my friend Marcus who is in charge of things...jack is my child and I am heartsick......and Molly is like mine too..

I do trust DRC even though I don't know them and most of you on here more then anyone I know in real life to understanding my great love of these little precious gifts from God that wouldn't know what to do if they were treated like a dog.....

Please stipulate that you want them together.  It may take longer to place but I think your situation would be easier since both doodles are so tiny.

Know that we see what you wrote here and we will be watching to make sure they do go together. They can come here and I will see that they do!

My sister and brother-in-law rescued a pair of Westies. When they were surrendered (by whomever... heirs or whatever) it was stipulated that they be adopted together. And they were. I don't think you should assume that someone with one doodle would not be willing to have three. We have had as many as four dogs at one time for several years of our lives. I can think of several DKers who have four also.

I can certainly understand why you would want them adopted together. I don't think Owen could manage being separated from Kona. Jack and Molly would adjust to living in a new environment much better if they were together. Perfectly understandable.

Thanks Bonnie.......For understanding.....jack takes steroids everyday and while right now that is all he needs is oral prednisone ...that could change........we would have to make allotments for that..

I know DK has the most amazing loving kind people in the world on here. And Bonnie I think you are frieds with my mom on FB aren't you?
Jenn, You know I would take them both in a minute, but I can't now that we moved to Hawaii and I don't want to EVER fly a dog here again. Love you, girl!
Love you Bonnie!

You would be surprised how many people are looking to adopt two doodles. We get requests all the time. The DRC currently has a bonded pair listed, and they are BIG dogs. 

Oh Karen thank you for saying so....I 100 percent believe in DRC....and anyone that passes their testing would be great......jack and Molly are both totally inside dogs that just like to be with their human....

It's makes me so happy and relived...I am going to talk to my mom more tomorrow. My brother is coming in from NJ this weekend too so we can all be on the same page........

Just knowing there are people who want two dogs brings peace to me....trying to explain to a social worker who is not a dog person why I am most stressed about Jack and Molly was really hard.....she didn't get it.....

I really feel better......and my brother both who like dogs but not the way I need them to will know what to do...what money goes with them and I think my mom will feel better too....the poor thing is trying to be as healthy as she can.....just for our babies....

Thank you all for understanding .......thanks for letting me talk about it ...and thanks for the is priceless......and that knot in my stomach is Starting to get better.

I swear if I would have known better.....I never would have been so selfish to get Jack as much as I love him and Molly....and I feel bad that people have to rescue my guys because I didn't think things through....let's just ope now that I have a good plan..we never need to use it!

I love you all for the support ....
Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is all speculative! You are making arrangement for the worst possible scenario,,, NOT something we are expecting!!!
So true. I am hoping you, both dogs and your mom Jen, all live long and content lives.
Me too and thank you ! We all want that....the Path program is pretty aggressive and sort of pushy...honestly.....they always have you prepared for dying because this is a bridge program either get better and graduate which is my plan or your beidge to hospice ...not my plan.......I plan to be around.....I got a lot of spunk's just this all came up and I had to do five wishes and this today ..honestly I asked the lawyer for a week to talk to people and he said I am coming at 3 today......

It is a free service and I knew a lot of what I wanted to do ...but they push it hard....I mean five wishes makes you write what songs you want at your funeral

The program gets me the help I need but they don't sugar coat anything at me out live everyone in my family !!!! Leave it to me ....



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