Quick question if you dont mind. (please dont ask me to search through old posts -lol)
Is "mouthing" OK.
Is it ok to let your dog bite you if it isnt hurting? Soft mouth bites.
I read "never ever let a puppy put any part of you or anybody in her mouth - nip this behavior in the bud!"
But I think it is different for a doodle. Am I wrong? She is so insistent and nothing deters her (I tried all the tricks, squealing loudly, holding snout, getting her to bite her own lips, pushing on her bottom jaw etc..) So now I just let her mouth me...it doesnt hurt. Am I wrong. I hate the battles; she doesnt get it; and is it really that bad that she is doing it?
She does it only to us family members, she never has done it outside the house or to others.
I don't really allow any dog or puppy to do any type of mouthing, I think it encourages them to continue this and not learn its ok for dogs but not humans. I have also heard sometimes it can take up to two years of age before some dogs get they are not suppose to do mouthing.
Just make a noise, super loud squeal works but only if it's so loud and obnoxious that the dog gives you a look like "OMG what was that?" If it persists turn your back on the dog and deny it your attention for a good 30 seconds. I don't use any kind of aversive techniques like holding the muzzle closed, I'm just opposed to that kind of technique. Some people have success with giving the dog a toy to chew everytime it starts to mouth. Personally I don't allow any mouthing- I think to allow it sometimes just confuses the dog
Bodi can play roughly with me and I let him mouth me. He never bites. He responds well when I tell him, NO MORE and I ask for a kiss instead. I think what ever they get used to is ok as long as it is ok with you.
Yankee gave us soft mouth bites when he was younger. He only did it with us and we didn't see a problem with it. He rarely does it now at 18 months unless somebody really gets into a wrestling match with him. He usually goes for the sleeves because he is afraid to grab the hands or arms.
I wouldn't be concerned about it. I don't believe that every dog needs to be treated exactly the same. I break a lot of the rules and Yankee is great.
I can not give you any solid advice as I am a novice myself, but when Lucy was a puppy she did ALOT of mouthing. I didn't like it b/c her baby teeth were sooooo sharp. Someone told me to hold her muzzle down briefly as her mother would do and say no. That seemed to work for her. I will tell you a story of a friend of mine that has a doodle female pup that does that alot of mouthing and when they come home she takes their arm in her mouth and pulls them, they have been allowing this. I told her it was not a good practice that some day she is going to be an adult and she may so this to the wrong person or child and get a little rough. WELL, they dropped her off at the vets for her spay and in a couple of hrs. the office called her and told her she had to come and get her dog because she is vicious and bites. (the dog was to stay over night) My friend could not believe this of her puppy and when she went to get her they had her in a crate with a big sign on it, beware vicious. She was soooooo mad, she took her pup home and swears she will never go back there again, she says "her dog does not bite". They still cont. to allow this behavior, I do not think that is appropriate. I say, try and nip it in the bud to save on problems later on down the road.
I think all puppies do the mouthing. I feel to another dog, it's fine, that's how they play. But, we are not other dogs, and think it is not acceptable. My grandson, who was 6 when we got Jersey was afraid to be near her because of the mouthing. My motto is begin as you wish to end. Jersey doesn't mouth anymore, unless you are playing real rough with her. Good luckI
IMHO it is natural pack behavour.
It is the overall relationship that matters whether the dog is dominating you.
On the other hand, the dog should mind you when asked to stop the behavour.
Our Irish soft bites us all of the time - which I really hate. She not only soft bites us but also the neighborhood kids - which I want to nip in the bud but I'm not sure how. We've tried everything from telling her "no bite" - to holding her jaws closed - from screaming - from walking away. Earlier today I went out and purchased lemon juice - you know the lemon juice that comes in the little yellow lemon containers. My husband and I are going to attach these to our selves so when the soft mouthing occurs we will be ready for our 6 month old puppy and stop her in her tracks. Hopefully this will correct the situation - if not, look for me here again. Any other suggestions? I'm holding with age this stops.
I never let mine do it to me or the kids. I always shut their mouth and said no bite!! I had to be very firm about that because my 3 yo was afraid of Motta when I brought him home. A friend of mine had her puppy at work for a while when my 3 yo was there with me and the puppy would bite and jump which made Allison afraid. It worked wonderfully and now they know better than to even try except on eachother or their toys.