Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lucy has never had any bowel problems, but yesterday she had a BM and it was a large mucous sac and inside was normal stool !  What the heck...........  Scared me.  Has any doodle had this before and what does it indicate.  She just had another BM and it is perfectly normal. 

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Well, Jackdoodle has been having this occasionally since the IBD started, but that can't be the reason it's happening with Lucy, since she doesn't have any G.I symptoms.

Could it be parasites?  Ben had giardia and another parasite last month and he had mucous sacks in his BM but not every time.  it was also accompanied by some mucous blood. =(

That happens with Murphy but only once every few's bizarre because the stool inside is firm.  I have no clue....I always assumed it was something associated with his IBS.

Tara has this happen on occasion and it just goes away on its own. I don't know if something she eats irritates her gut or what happens but it is gross and scary when you first encounter it! :(

Something may have irritated her colon. It may have to do with the antibiotics she's on or was on for the surgery.

But she is not on any antibiotics.  She has never had surgery except her spay when she was 6 months old.


Sorry Karen, I got confused with a different Lucy : ) Still something may have irritated her colon.

That's OK,  I get confused ALOT.  Hahahahaha


: )

Yes, when I saw this I was very scared about it.  I looked it up on the internet and it may come from changing dog food, which I have not, or it is just cleansing of the bowel for some reason.  I have not noticed blood.  She just had her yearly check up the end of June and she is very healthy.  Thank you all for your input.  If I see this is continuing, I am calling Doc Bob just for peace of mind </;-).

Camus has the same periodically, but it does not last more than a couple of days.  He has a sensitive digestive system and since it does not last long I decided to ignore it.

Both my doodle have had this on occasion, I figured it was a touch of IBS or something like that.  Both acted normal and no signs of distress or anything.  It always passes.



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