I'm so disgusted right now. I noticed a tick on the floor (this was only the second one I've seen all Summer), and I ran to get a tissue to pick it up. In the meantime, Murphy ATE it. I have all these visions of this nasty creature "latching on" somewhere in his digestive track. I can't even imagine it. It was so small, I didn't even think he saw it, but he certainly did. Should I be worried....or just "grossed out".
EWE, Jane!!!! I was grossed out when Tori ate a carpenter ant! I feel for you. Makes sense what everyone is saying about the acids getting the tick, but I too would be freaking out! Good Luck!
Ewwwe...I'm sure he will have no ill effects. A couple months ago after a nice spring rain producing some very juicy earthworms on the driveway, Chewie scooped one up. It literally was hanging out of his mouth before he swallowed it...talk about gross!!!