Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Any solutions for the ever wet musty beard?  Our golden doodle is turning  1 next week and he loves to cuddle and kiss us.  He just smells so badly near his mouth.  Help!  

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Daisy's beard gets sour smelling, I just use a baby wipe on her face and voila, back to smelling sweet just like her.

I'm surprised a baby wipe does it! I'd have to scrub the heck out of Rosco's beard and use about 20 to make a difference. Just too much surface area...kinda like trying to wash hair with baby wipes...they don't get into the crevices between all that fur! Rosco's beard always smells. Boca's is always dry and 'clean.'

I'm with you, Adina. A wipe or a box of wipes would never solve Kona's crusty beard issues. Owen's is pretty neat but Kona. OMD! I have to do a real face wash with water and baby shampoo and then dry well with a towel (not paper!).

Daisy is clearly more gentile than Rosco and Kona!

I wipe her mouth a lot, almost every other day. Daisy is a dainty girl not a big stinky boy sloppy eater like Rosco and Kona...LOL

I too, use baby wipes.  But there have been a few times when that didn't cut it and I put a little tea tree oil in some water and then wiped her face with a face cloth with it.  It was gone in seconds.  Also, perhaps it is the breath?  Dont forget to brush the teeth!!  ;-)


I believe there was a discussion about the smelly beards, but I can't seem to find it. Or maybe it was about the discolored beards. We have the same problem, though. Sometimes I have to cut Monty's hair by his mouth because it is just filled with dirt that cannot be brushed out.

Here is one discussion. There are more if you search by "dirty beard."

Here's my solution:  After Wally eats, I use a Johnson's hand-and-face wipe (in a yellow package from the drug store) on the outside of Wally's mouth and on his beard.  He's so used to this routine, that he now comes to me after eating to have his face cleaned!  Then, I give him a bowl of water.  After he has a big drink (which he always does after eating), I wipe his entire sopping beard with a super-absorbant towel.  And guess what!  No more smelly face!

I love when the routine takes over, I can just picture him coming over to get his face wiped :o)

We went through this with was bad during summer months I think because his beard never dried.  I've found it helpful to keep his beard shorter and when it's very muggy I try to towel dry him after he's been drinking water.  I think the smell comes when there isn't a chance for that area to dry out.

Emma drinks out a lixit water bottle, sort of like a big guinea pig bottle.  Her beard stays a lot drier.  We also keep her beard pretty short.  She still has pink staining, but no musty odor.

Here is a link to pictures of the water bottle holder my husband copied and modified with cheap materials from home depot:

This is a link to a great in-depth article about the beard staining/musty odor problem.  I have ordered the things suggested but have not yet started "the program", I was waiting until after vacation.



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