Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sorry...couldn't resist.  Chewie got into the girl's crayons yesterday and we have been having technicolor poops all day.  He's on #6...they aren't loose, just filled with pieces of crayon...many colors of crayons.  I don't know how many he ate, but I am seeing quite the selection of colors.


I'm assuming he's fine since he seems to feel good, is eating and everything seems to be passing through.  Hopefully, he'll be done with all the artwork by tomorrow...LOL.

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Maybe you could put huge sheets of paper all over the yard and then have an art exhibit. There are probably people who would actually pay for Chewie's "paintings". Better yet, use sheets of canvas!
When I saw the title of this discussion, i was ready to grab my camera and get ready to submit an entry in the "Prettiest Poop Contest". JD may never be a calendar boy, but this is one competition he just might win! Thank you, Orijen!!!!!!!!
That's it... New Les Pooches brush for the doodle with the PRETTIEST POO! ROFLMAO...heeeheee
We haven't had a contest in alooong time.
Well, today I took Gracie Doodle on a very unsuccessful photo shoot and as I was taking a series of photos in the "burst" mode, she squatted down and I got the entire series! Watch it with this discussion or I just may have to post them!!!! Not colorful though like Chewies!
Those might make a great avant garde art collection! I have a friend whose dog did that and she has a couple photos of the results on Facebook ;-)
You know it's funny, I've been transitioning him to Orijen from Fromm's over about the last 10 days. Yesterday was the first day he had 100% Orijen. He woke me to go out at 7:00 this morning (very unusual) and I thought oh, oh... this might not be good. He was fine, no signs of crayon at that point. 10 minutes later, out again and the evidence started surfacing. I should have taken a picture, but not sure I'd have the nerve to post it on Facebook.
Laura, this is hilarious!! Sounds like crayons have a lot of fiber!!! Or maybe it's grease!!! UGH!!! At least they're beautiful!! That little rascal!!! Isn't this the day before he leaves for his little vacation?
Yes, tomorrow is the big day. That was the first thing I thought of when he woke me early today. He's never done that unless he has diarrhea and just can't wait. I'm like...oh, no, he better not be sick. I guess I'll have to clue her in not to be alarmed if there is any residual color tomorrow. Yes, either fiber or grease, he's been quite the poop machine today, but perfectly normal except for the crayon confetti.
Been there, done that with each puppy! How do they find this stuff?
Hmm, we might have a bit of a competition. Harlow keeps stealing and eating DD's undies and then leave her own colourful pieces of art in the backyard.
Perhaps this year we need a 2011 DK Doodle Doodies Calendar
"Doodle Doodies Calendar"!!!! ROFL!
No, I don't think I want to look at doodle doody, however colorful it may be, on the wall in my kitchen or here above my desk!



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