So i finally got my precious little doodle yesterday but dh and i cant agree on a name whatsoever....ive been calling her puppy (duh) and dh thinks that sounds like an old ladys name.....any help...what do u think she looks like? my mom said she better have a before she sees her grandpuppy again lol...shes really mellow likes to sleep all day.....prances like the poodle in nowhere close to naming her and i feel bad!
Actually, I think Poppy is a really cute name. California's state flower is the orange poppy. She won't be a puppy forever and think of the orange things you could get for her! Or how about Cali? I do like Cammie (Cameo) also. Olive, Mango, Maime (as in Maime Eisenhauer), or Maizie (you can spell it several ways).
The two syllable names have a nice sing song to them and those ending with an "e sound" seem to work well when calling a dog. Some thoughts for your adorable pup. (Lexi, Rylee, Gabby, Laney, Maddy, etc. ) Try them out as if you were calling her to come to you. Soon you'll think of just the perfect one for her.Good Luck!