Hey guys, I am a little down because mommy says I am F-A-T:( When she took us to get weighed yesterday I was 29.5 lbs. I should be low 20's. I tried to convince mommy (and my girlfriend) that it was ALL MUSCLE, but I don't think they are buying it:( My stats are: boy, 19" tall, 9.5 months old. Love to sleep, Love to eat. I chase Rosey a lot, I usually go to care but haven't since my illness. Mommy walks us on days we don't got to care but has been a bit "preoccupied" lately. Mommy switched my food to Wellness Adult 2 weeks ago, 5/8cup per serving. She knows she should have switched puppy food earlier and is all sad about that. But point is I need to lose some LBS F-A-S-T.... Any ideas??
Couple questions:
Do marrow bones have a lot of calories? I just love'm
How much exercise should I get?
What are good treats-low cal but tasty enough for my OB training?
Thanks guys & gals I appreciate the support and may I be the Biggest Loser of this fall season..
Oh thank you Guinness. My hair is really short but since I am off to the ranch in a week I want to make sure none of those horrible fox tails get caught in my golden locks of hair!! I guess I didn't say it quite right when I said I didn't like boys. I pretty much meant "other boys"...not Doodles! I am a snob and really only gravitate to Doodles when I am in a public place or see another Doodle on a walk. My neighborhood friends are not Doodles but I grew up with them. I have an affection for Springer Spaniels and Rhodesian Ridgebacks because those are the two breeds I grew up with. But, there are a handfull of boys on DK that I already love...Ned, Clancy, Luca, JackDoodle, Quincy, Darwin, Little Bandit, your Murphy and of course you!! I'm sure I have left others out because my Mommy woke me up to answer your comment and my mind is a mush right now. But I just know that if we were ever to meet, we would be best friends ever!!! Doodles that come from the life style we come from are the best!!
But you love me best, right Gracie? I'm bigger than those other doods, I'm older than those other doods, and we have so much in common- namely, tennis balls!! We could do some beautiful retrieving together.
Yes, Jackdoodle. There is something to be said for "Big Doodles". We love the little guys but always have to be careful to not step on them or run into them when we are chasing tennis balls! I love my little DK Doodles but when it comes to play time...you and I would be great together!!! Look at another toy you might like and it squeeks and can be thrown just like a tennis ball! Want to KISS MY MONSTER????
Hi Bandit...I just want to say that you sure don't look F-A-T to me! You're the same age as my brother (you remember Murph)....now that's what I call fat. Mom says he's just a "big boy", but to me he's fat! You should see him from the back...a Doodle butt like you can't even believe! Mom's "whipping him into shape though"....hahaha! I think maybe you just aren't chasing Rosey enough. I keep my 18 lb "bod" in shape mostly by running away from Murph. Sometimes I "get him going" and he starts to chase me, but I hide under the bed. He gets SO mad....now that's what I call fun. My Mom gives us those little Zukes treats when we're doing our "training" They're pretty good. We also get little pieces of chicken (and sometimes cheese), and we love that. We're not "big" on the carrots. We like to chew them up and then spit them out all over the floor. Anyway, I think you look great, but this may be a good thing. Your Mom will probably be giving you some new kinds of treats to try....and treats are ALWAYS a good thing! You may also have more "tennis ball games" with your Mom (YEA!). Guinness
Hey G! I love playing hide and seek with Rosey!! It's so easy to hide when you are black doodle because you just kinda "blend in" Last week I was just layin' on our sofa on this dark brown blankie and Rosey did 10 laps around the room lookin' before she found me! I was laughin' so hard. But maybe that's why I am the fat one and she is nice and thin cuz she is the one runnin' after me!! I LOVE cheese & chicken and zukes but NO VEGGIES!!
Hey Bandit, don't worry about a couple extra pounds I'm sure your mom will have you in great shape in no time. I've heard my mom say it's always good to have a couple extra pounds in case you get sick, I wonder if that's just her excuse for the few extra pounds she's carrying around. I love the Biggest Loser, if you have to go I hope you get Bob for your trainer, I really like Bob. Lot's of ball chasing works for me. My mom wants me to gain a couple of pounds she worries sometimes that she can feel my ribs and spine too much even though the vet says I'm perfect. I really like green beans but they maybe a bit squishy to use as treats for training. Good Luck. Quincy
Are your sure you are fat, Bandit? Could you just be filling out? A lot of people tell me I am fat because I have a huge torso and short-ish legs. Plus, my curly hair sticks straight out instead of falling downwards. But the vet showed my mom how my waist nips in, and felt my ribs "fairly easily" (I am no skinny mini, that's for sure) through my side-skin. Maybe you are just filling out?
I think I am 22 inches tall and 65 lbs. Mom's not sure about the height.
YEP I am sure, when I weighed 26 lbs my dr. told me they want to see "less" of me. So when mommy weighed me 2 weeks later and I had gained almost 4 lbs she was really shocked. She still carries me around though, I just love that!! She said my new nick name would be Pot Belly Piggy:(