Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Meet Phoebe, she is almost 11 weeks old. She is sweet, spunky and gets along great with Lana my other 14 month old goldendoodle. They have the same mommy but different daddy, so they are half sisters. The breeder described her color as brindle sable, which she said is rare for an f1 goldendoodle. It's going to be quite interesting watching her coat go through its color changes.

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Thank- you , she really is a doll baby:) I've been trying to find brindle sable doodle puppies online to compare and try and figure out what she'll end up looking like. I saw a pic of one like you described, it was very pretty. Phoebe will probably look like a complete different dog by the time she's 6 months. I'm excited to see how she'll end up looking:)

Do you have an Instagram account? Check out @ekhothedoodlequeen. She was a sable goldendoodle pup.

No I do not. Might have to get one just to look at all the doodles LOL
Adorable. My baby was black with brown streaks. She is 7 months now and mostly grey, some black. You have your hands full. Good luck
It's crazy how the colors change! I love how you can still see the brindle coloring in your baby. She's so cute! Your right I do have my hands full! Lana and Phoebe are having a great time playing together.
Your doodles are adorable! I especially love Phoebe's exotic coloring- I've never seen a doodle with brindle fur- I love it!
Thank- you. Exotic is a good way to describe it, it really is very pretty.

She's just adorable! Congrats on your new baby!

Thank- you. We're having a lot of fun watching her change and grow.
Phoebe is growing so fast. I can already see more sable in her coat especially around her eyes.



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