Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I wanted to share a poem from my breeder that makes me smile. Hudson certainly hasn't been cheap but he is an invaluable member of our family, and I wouldn't have it any other way!



                       You can't buy loyalty, they say, bought it though the other day.
             You can't buy friendships, tried and true. Well, just the same I bought that too.
                   I made my bid and on the spot, Bought love and faith and a whole lot
                       of happiness, so all in all, the purchase price was pretty small.
                      I bought a single trusting heart, that gave devotion from the start.
                                    If you think these things are NOT FOR SALE 
                                     Buy a brown-eyed puppy with a wagging tail.
                                                         author unknown

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DH never knew what I spent, and I am not telling.   I consider it an investment and cheaper than a psychiatrist!

Love the poem.



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