Our dog had a really bad UTI in late October, one that was treated with 1 month (4 weeks) of strong antibiotics. Now, he's been off the meds for 3 weeks, and he's starting to pee frequently again, and when he does, it's little dribbles. I'm wondering if he's getting another one...but I know the vet will only put him on more antibiotics. He's getting plenty of water and exercise and is acting normal (not lethargic, or anything).
A few years ago, I had chronic UTIs, and I went through rounds and rounds of antibiotics. I barely got rid of one UTI and a week later, I had another. Someone mentioned, "The antibiotics kills the good bacteria too", so then I started taking cranberry supplements and acidophilus every day as preventative treatment, and they have never returned.
I wonder if there is a way to treat my dog without making him go through even more antibiotics? They will kill his good bacteria, like they did to me, and it will only make him more susceptible to other infections.
Are frozen cranberries safe for dogs? I thought that I could make my own mixture of plain yogurt and pureed frozen cranberries and feed this to my dog once a day....instead of giving him a supplement.
Has anyone had recurring bladder infections with your dog? What did you do to help the situation, other than go through numerous doses of antibiotics?
Any help is appreciated!