Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Update: heard back from Winston's owners. I think all is good. I paid them the money and they said they are happy they made the right decision for him. They haven't send the form yet but they said they will and I am feeling a whole lot better about it now. Thanks for all the awesome advice!
Winston's former owners have been asking for updates. I gave a brief one stating that he is doing fine and settling in well, during the first few days. Now they are asking again.
There is also a question of ethics. I promised them if they get him heart worm tested before I pick him up that I would pay for the test. I still haven't done that yet. I am having trouble bringing myself to give them money considering how poorly they treated him and how much money I've had to spend on his treatment because of their neglect. I really don't want to send them the money. It's not a lot of money, but it's the principle of the thing that bothers me. This dog that they claimed was in perfect health when he clearly wasn't, who they lauded as having the most calm and laid back personality when really he was lethargic from being so sick, deserved so much better from them and they failed him. He is worth so much more to me than a silly blood test but I just can't bring myself to send them the money-they don't deserve it! On the other hand, I did promise to pay for it and I should keep my word because that would be the right thing to do.
As far as updating them on how he's doing. I'm of two minds, I could ignore them completely, give a polite courteous "he's doing well" and leave it at that. Or I can tell tell exactly how things are going and exactly how I feel about them. I don't want to stay in contact with them so I don't want to have to keep giving updates, nor do I want things to get ugly if I send them and ugly email. And then deep down there is a fear that they will want him back. I am starting to get anxious about my decision to adopt a dog without going through a formal rescue program. Should i be worried?
What would you do if you were me?
I thin you have some really valid concerns here. We were in a similar (yet much less stressful situation) when we got Lola. Her owners didn't "have time" for her...she was 2 months old and kept in a crate all day and night. She had horrific ear infections, and I believe an eye infection. Not as bad as poor Winnie, but I understand your frustration. What I would do is
a)give them the money since you did promise you would...
b)tell them exactly what poor Winnie and you went through over the past couple of weeks
c)politely ask them to stop asking for updates. He has started a new (and happier) life with you, and you are his family now.
They should respect your wishes, and if they don't, come back to DK, and we'll help you ask them to leave you alone in a much more creative way :)
Keep shouldn't stress yourself over this at all. In the shelter world, the previous owners aren't even allowed to know where, and to whom the dog is they shouldn't be involved with him at all anymore. Good luck!! Doodle hugs!
F's advice is perfect. You need a signed transfer of ownership before you alienate them. You do have the vet who originally saw him, he must have been told that Winston was yours now, but it would be better if you had that in writing. So tell them you would be happy to reimburse them for the HW test in exchange for a signed ownership agreement (you can explain you need this for your doggy daycare, or training classes, or make up a reason if pressed). If you can meet them in person, you can do an exchange, their signature on a simple paper transferring ownership to you (I can help you with wording if you need it) for your check. If they have any paperwork from when they originally purchased him, they could just sign that over to you.
Once that's done and you can prove he's yours if you have to, feel free to ignore them, tell them off, or anything in between. He's your dog. They didn't care about him when he was theirs, why do they care now? You are not obligated to give them any information. Or send me their email address, I'd be happy to tell them off for you, lol.
Karen-this is perfect!
Be nice until the papers are signed and you paid them.'s none of their business. I would also tell them about all the medical care needed. Good luck!
I would pay them the money for the test, you said you would. I would also keep the updates short and sweet.
Put the check in the mail send them an email...I like F's thoughts that they may worry you will want to send him back.
Yes, I agree with F. I would pay them the money but get something in writing to state that he is now your dog before hand. Perhaps tell them you need it for the Insurance company that you are about to sign up with. ( they don't sound the sort that would know anything or care about pet insurance) When you have that, feel free to tell them how ill he was, how much care he needs and how much you have had to spend treating him. Then ignore them if they ever contact you again.
Here is what I would write for them to sign.
This is to state that Winston (description of him)....... is now in the sole ownership of Sherri...?.
I really like the idea of saying you need proof of ownership for insurance purposes. That sounds reasonable, and will also give you the opportunity to casually mention his health issues and the expenses you have incurred thus far.
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