Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone,

Nickie urinated and defecated at the same time twice during the middle of the night and this morning. I've never seen her do this because normally she would defecate first then sniff around a bit and urinate after. Also, I noticed a bit of slime on her stool both times she defecated.

What could possibly be the issue? It has me worried because this has never happened in the past.

I have an appointment for her this coming Wednesday.

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I don't think there is any way for any of us here to know what might have caused this. Has she eaten anything new? Gotten hold of anything she shouldn't have? Any changes in her routine yesterday? Does she typically have to go out in the middle of the night? 

Mucus in the stool indicates a possible GI infection or irritation. I personally would not wait til Wednesday to see the vet if it continues. 



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