Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi All, I have the sweetest 25 pound mini Australian labradoodle. She is a leaner who loves everyone including kitties and kids. At the age of 1 (she's almost 3), I took the crate to the basement. When I put Sadie in at night, she would look and me and cry. She has never chewed anything and is totally trustworthy. At night she sleeps in the living room or the office (her bed is in the office). I sleep upstairs which I get to via a spiral staircase that Sadie refuses to use. About 6 months ago, Sadie would occasionally bark at night. Now she wakes me up at least 2x each night w/her barking. Sometimes I yell for her to BE QUIET which may or may not work. If I go to the landing of the staircase and call her, she comes and eventually stops barking. I have been thinking of getting a citronella collar which I would only use at night. However, I don't want to scare her unneccesarily. I want to try to work with her before I get the collar. What should I do? When she barks, I could get out of bed, walk downstairs (this takes 1-2 minutes at least) and then what? I don't want her to connect having me come downstairs with barkingin a positive way...barking for attention and getting it. I think that she is barking at something i the environment (San Francisco, small backyard) Thanks for your help.
I don't know if this is the answer, but I know that when my dogs slept in the living room they would frequently bark at things they heard out on the street or saw out the windows. Or they'd wake up and get bored or want to be near us. When we moved them to our bedroom (doors closed) they slept like logs. Now if I take a nap, I take Rosco to the bedroom with me or else I'm guaranteed to be awakened by his bark and have my nap ruined.
If she's not too heavy to carry up the stairs, it might be worth moving her to a dog bed in your room. Or working on teaching her to climb those stairs over the next few weeks so you don't have to carry her. Just my two cents.
Peri would bark ALL NIGHT if she slept in another room...we have too many windows/noises.
She sleeps on her bed at the foot of our bed every night. With a sound machine in our room. She loves it and doesn't move until the sun comes up (then hops onto bed with us after we say "come on up!"). I would carry her up the stairs and get her used to sleeping in your room if you are okay with that.
We sleep with our door closed so she doesn't roam the house.
This is like the Sound Machine I have!
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