Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi doodle family, I need some advise on getting kash to stop kash from nipping at my sons hands and snagging on his clothes. kash doesn't be gowling are anything he thinks he's just playing then both of them fall on the ground rolling around. I just don't want it to turn into any thing else. is there anything else I can do beside telling him no, kash noooo :)))


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Is he a puppy? Either way, just have them stop in place, turn their backs and ignore him. When he stops, tell him good boy. Practice your 'sit' commands. When Pearl was a puppy, I would tell her sit and she would stop. Make sure pups getting enough exercise, playtime and chewy toys, like Hooves are the best.

Thanks Sandra I will try that and kash will be 7 months on the 31, time is really going by fast!!

When Nipper puts his mouth on you or your son give a little sharp yip and stop playing as Sandra suggested. The yip mimics what the mother and sibling's would do if play turned too rough. Also, I don't wrestle play with my puppies/ dogs until they know the commands to "stop" and "give it", so I can stop play before it gets out of hand and someone gets hurt.

How old is your son? Is he old enough to follow instructions on what to do when the nipping starts? If not, you need to intervene and give them both time to calm down. Kash sees your son as a play- littermate and is treating him like one. Your son could accidently get bitten too hard and then it's not fun anymore.



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