Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Charlie LOVES to play fetch more than anything in the whole wide world. She can play fetch for over and over and over for a long time until she is truly exhausted... We go to the local county park and play fetch every day.... But today, when she caught the stick, it broke in pieces. I saw Charlie cough and hacked, then she came to me distressed. I thought the piece of stick got stuck in her throat or something!!! She looked as she was ready to go home. I did the quick check on her and we got ready to go back home. At the water fountain, she did not drink the water as she normally do. I again examined he mouth and saw a little cut on her tongue, and small patch of blood in the back of her throat... :-(

After we got home, she looked like she wanted to drink her water, but she didn't. so I gave her some milk and she drunk that. When I fed Pinot, she came and ate her food... But then, she went inside of Pinot's puppy pen to rest... :-( never done this before...

If she does not acting right within  a couple of hours, we are going to the emergency vet...

I should have known better than playing fetch with a stick!!


We just got back from the emergency vet. Small laceration in the throat is no longer bleeding, and the fact she drunk milk and ate food is a good thing, and she kept them down is a good thing. So the doctor did not feel a need to sedate her to do the x ray or further examinations. She was scared to death at the emergency vet, tighten up so much and she was shaking like a leaf.....:-( 

So, I am just going to observe her and make sure she does not cough, hack vomit or refuse eating, etc...  Thank you all for the support!! I really appreciated them... It was just so scary... I just never thought something like this would happen, even though I knew it can...


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What a scary thing to happen. Boris is our stick guy here, I don't know where he finds them but it has crossed my mind that crunching on sticks may not be safe. Luckily Charlie is ok and it was just a little cut.  I do think it would be a shame that we have to worry so much about sticks and I am going to let my two still play fetch with sticks even though there is a small chance of a problem. It won't stop me worrying but I just think I will be more vigilant when they are playing.

I saw this fake stick product at the pet store ( may be made by Nylabone..?) But, I thought what is the point of this...? But I may re-visit and take  look at it .....

Poor Charlie, I am glad she is feeling better. I can just imagine how you felt when she came to you wanting your help, and of course you gave it.

Hoping Charlie feels much better today.  Meg loves sticks too and it is a constant struggle to keep them away from her, she chews them up.

Wow, sometimes it just seems like we need to wrap them in bubble wrap to protect them.  Hopefully Charlie is feeling much better this morning and maybe will want to go play fetch with a ball!

I know!! We need indoor play room with padded walls!!

Oh how frightening....I'm hoping he's feeling better. 

The feisty girl barked today. She must be feeling better!!

Thinking of you and Charlie this morning.  I hope she's feeling better.

Me too.

Thank you, Thank you.... She is looking much better today....

That's good new!!



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