Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nobody Gets a Puppy When They Have a 7 Month Old Baby...Riiiiiiiight???

Where to begin?

Since losing two of our three wonderful dogs earlier this year, we've thought and talked and pondered the idea of adding another doodle.  I've looked and looked at possible breeders...hoping for a chocolate or black F1 (or F1 looking) pup. 

I started communicating with a few breeders...with the intention of a possible pup NEXT year.  2011.  We were/are looking at one breeder more seriously....  That same breeder has a litter on the ground NOW, ready for the end of July. 

So then we thought...well...maybe THIS summer might be better.  Who wants to potty train in the winter when you can do it in nice weather?  So I collected some opinions and then decided ... no.  Why ruin a good thing?  There's a baby who will crawl soon that's like a puppy or two in herself.  And there's Rosco who is the lowest maintenance dog I can imagine...well behaved, easy-going, loving and settled.  Done deal.  No puppy.  And so I've told myself and others over and over and over again.

But of course...I still looked. And since I was considering this breeder...I still had to visit her home, right?  I still had to meet the parents of the 'future' litter and see how puppies live, etc.  That's where I went today.  My evil husband told me "and if you bring one home, that's okay" (here everyone is trying to convince their husbands to let them get another dood...and mine is trying to ruin my resolve to NOT get one).

Natalie and I paid a visit to a 5 week old litter of reds, apricots, and creams.  I flexed my "puppy-resistance" muscles, took my anti-puppy supplement, packed up Natalie and drove 2 hours.

And all was fine.  I didn't feel like I *HAD* to leave with one...but there were some cuuuute ones!  And in showing Clark the photos we got to talking more about what it would take to make bringing home a puppy this summer WORK.

Here's where we're at though...while there is no 'hurry' here's my dilemma(s) and some positives:

-- Rosco is a big dog...big dogs don't usually last for 15+ years.  Since we want to get a second dog while he's around...if we wait too long, we're worried he'll be too old to like the puppy and it will mostly be a nuisance to him, rather than a friend.  Clark thinks he waited too long in Cass' life to add Thule.  Cass was 10 and she really didn't ever play with Thule or interact with her, except competitively.  It didn't brighten her day, anyway.

-- Natalie is 7 months old.  She'll crawl soon.  And yet...we want more kids...and if we waited till all our potential babies were 5 years will be awhile and we might be down to a one dog house again.  We WANT two dogs of different ages.  Not that this can be always planned precisely, but it's something to think about.  It might be better to get the pup now because by the time any future kids come will be surely done potty training and out of nipping stage and more or less have basic manners and obedience down pat.  Yes it will take more time to train while I have a babe under 1 year old...but it would take even MORE time with several kiddos around, right?

-- Here I am, an admin of a big doodle site.  I don't want to set a 'bad' I feel some pressure.

-- The area that is now our 'mud room' is a great spot for gating off puppy.  It is right next to the back door and perfect for confinement away from Natalie and a safe place to slowly acclimate puppy to our home.  We have baby gates and crates and can't be too hard to make it work.

-- Socialization seems relatively a non-issue.  I can take puppy many safe places while Natalie is in a front pack that I wear or in her stroller...both able to experience the world.

I'm not a 'newbie' dog I have a decent skill set at dog care.  Am I crazy?  One adviser told me essentially "sure you could do it, and do it well...but WHY?"  And I don't have an answer other than I kinda want to!  And it kind of scares me. 

So help me out friends!  I don't want puppy cheerleaders giving me the "rah rah rah...get a puppy!"  I want sincere, thought-out, advice.  Help me sort this out.  To get a puppy or not to get a puppy!?

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Oh I love this method of decision making..I'm going to apply this in my life!!! : )
Wow...that is a great way of putting it. I like the coin toss idea a lot!!!!
BruceGirl! I LOVE it! This is the answer... in fact this could be used by all of us for all situations of uncertainty! You are one wise doodle owner!!! I will call you "O-Wise ONE" now! Thank you!!!
LOL I tend to flounder when making decisions and sometimes need a push. I used this method when I could not decide whether to keep my maiden name or take my husband's when I was getting married. It really works.
I am not good at this at all But . . . . I say get a puppy Clark will be able to help u out !!!! You are a smart Women and can handle it!!! And now is the best time for the puppy its summer and easier to train then the cold winter See I am no help at all LOL LOL Get the Puppy
Here is my thought Adina. You have managed and trained 3 WONDERFUL dogs! I could not do that. And you were prego with Natalie before any of the dogs passed away, so you were already planning life with 3 dogs and a new born baby. You already have most if not all the stuff you will need for the puppy. You already have people who come by the house to dog sit or what not. You already have the hardest parts over with. Yes, having a little one plus a puppy will be trying at times... but don't you think it will be soooo worth it! Personally... I don't know if I could do it... but I know you can do it if that is what you want to do. However, don't feel pressure from us. It is you and Clark's decision. You do what you believe is best for your family. Good luck in your decision :)
I say follow your heart. It's the same story when people say, "We're waiting for the 'right' time to have a baby." When you think about it, there is no "right" or "perfect" time for anything. The "right" time is when your heart is telling you to and your mind is thinking about it. You are a strong person with great resolve and a supportive husband. You'll be great!!
I agree with Sherri - there is never enough time or money to have a baby or a puppy. Rosco will be a HUGE help in training new dog/puppy. Samantha has moulded both Charli and Mickey into the most wonderful Doodles - yes, I did the basic training but she did the mental training. Everyone I have met with 2 (whether in person or virutally here in DK and DRC) tell me that #1 taught #2 much more than we humans can. They learn by example, don't they?

BUT you have always said you wanted a chocolate or black - do not 'settle' because those puppies are so gorgeous. No 'if I, could have, would have or should haves'. Wait until you find the one your heart and head has been waiting for.

Have your considered an older puppy? You would be past the housebreaking, chewing and nipping stage. Would make life with Natalie and new puppy much easier. Just saying.............
If anyone can do it it would be you two : )
Adina, I think you already know in your heart if this is the right time for a new puppy. You have already analyzed this really well. A few more positives to consider: A) You are on Maturnity leave now and can devote more time to the dog when he/she needs you the most B) The baby is busy now (speaking from experience as I have 4 kids!) but is not walking so you have a good three months to devote to dog and baby without her walking and feeling like you need eyes in the back of your head. Most babies don't start walking until 11-13 months. C) You are not a new dog owner as you pointed out and this new dog would be fun and a new joy in your life. Plus we would love to her about your antics with a new puppy!
I am also trying to decide to get a second dog and wondering if I should wait until I retire or can take some extended time off. My decision is related to different reasons but I understand the dilemma. Good luck on the decision making. Tammy
I won't patronize you.

The Bad:
I did get a puppy when my youngest was pulling himself up just before crawling. The puppy would knock him flat into walls. As he crawled the puppy teethed on the bottoms of my son's his feet, knocked him over, and licked his face relentlessly. My oldest son was only 2 1/2 and although he was not on the floor he did not far much better with the power of a puppy. My puppy, who I did not do much research on, was hyper and probably was not the best choice for a family with young children. This puppy was a Rosco puppy. Shark teeth and all.
It was just a really tough time. A mad house. I was very inexperienced as a dog owner. My children suffered because of my inexperience. I was miserable some days.

The Good:
He went to training ASAP! :)
I get as much enjoyment out of my dogs as I do any member of my family ( sorry family, this is true --because they are family ). I do not regret getting a puppy when my children were this young but there were some really tough days. I cried as he shook diapers in his teeth like rag dolls and poop flew into my beautiful nursery walls. But walls wash and change colors as children grow.
This puppy became the boys best friend, our guardian, and my salvation as I was home many nights alone with him. A few years later we got him a brother puppy too. I went on to foster dogs for a few years when my work hours permitted.

It is always tough at first.

Summation--You can deal with whatever you want to deal with.... if that is what you want. You are not going into this blind. You have experience and You're young too :)

Honestly, check the temperament--I know you already do and go for it. Keep in mind that Rosco is a part of your family. If you asked Rosco, what would Rosco want? Consider him :)

I give you credit for not coming home with yesterday--so I am confident you will make the right choice. Now... I am so excited!
I'm want to join Sue---I want a 3rd! :)



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