After his breakfast today, Chewie was playing and I was trying to catch up on some emails. After a few minutes he came to get me to play...pawing at me and using all his usual methods to get my attention. I told him he would have to wait a bit. He left the room and about five minutes later in returned, stood right in front of me, looking at me with those big brown eyes, AND with my shoe in his mouth as if to say, "Will this get your attention?" As soon as I had a reaction...laughing, I could not help myself, he took off running...the chase had begun. Guess who won that round. What a character!
Sounds like Chewie won ;-) Don't be surprised if he does it again tomorrow. You will have to keep your camera handy, I would of loved to see him standing there with your shoe.
He's so cute! They truly crack me up these dogs. They remind me of little KIDS sometimes.. Tori does this while we're watching t.v. and don't want to play. She grabs something - she shouldn't have- trots by us with it in her mouth and runs away! Guess what! She always wins too.. just can't help it when they're so cute!