Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
One word for you - Winter. Blah!
I'm tired of the winter boots and cold toes and soggy mittens, 30 layers of clothing, taking 20 minutes to get me and the doodles geared up for a simple walk, and cleaning up after wet doodles and standing in the dog park throwing a ball when it's -20 and going out for a potty break at 11pm when it's -25 and I was already in my pajamas, and scraping ice off my car and traipsing through big dirty slushy puddles and picking up poop in the snow and all of it. One day it's -25 and everything turns to ice and the next it's -4 and everything turns to slush. I just had to remove my gloves and use them to clean off the salt that was burning Winston's feet and making him refuse to walk. I actually put my gloves on his feet like boots so that we can make it the rest of the way home. I thought I was going to get frost bite.
I've had it! It's time to cash in those vacation days and head south!
During the winter months I get SAD. No, not the emotion, the disorder. Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's real, I promise you. And thanks to the cold weather and lack of sunlight, I am one unhappy chick right now. All the vitamin D in the world isn't going to snap me outta this winter funk.
I don't have much money, but unless someone can tell me of a really good, but really cheap, doggie friendly vacation spot down south where I can drive my doodles to, then I might just have to splurge on a week in Cuba. All I know is that I need to get out of this cold dark icy, then slushy, then icy again, dreary city and all the stupid frustrating rigamorale that goes with winter and soak up some sunshine!
BLAH! ok, rant over. seriously, any suggestions for doodle friendly vacation spots down south?
**** And another thing! How's a girl supposed to snag a guy when she looks like this?
Quincy would make an adorable Cannon Beach Babie!
Can you paint a room sunshine yellow? That might help a bit.
Get yourself one of those full spectrum lights.
I agree with Donna. Several of my family members have SAD and these lights have been very helpful for them. They don't melt the snow but they help you not care so much about it!
I've heard about these, but was never really sure where to get them. something to consider... OR , I could save the money and put it toward a beach vacation.
When my sister worked she suffered from SAD until she got the lights. She used them every winter and they helped her immensly. Now that she is retired she walks daily and is out in the sun. Get the lights and use them then start saving for a beach vacation.
Sherri-I was prescribed these lights for me too for SAD. I'm supposd to use it 2 x's a day. It's 10,000 lux and they can be found on the internet.Mine was $125
Oh the lights help and it would help longer than a week vacation. My son had SAD when he was in college in Oregon. Hard stuff. I'm really, really sorry.
I understand what you are saying about the winter. I get that :)
I commend you for walking your dogs and going to the park!! Many in our situation won't leave the couch. It really helps to get up and get out. Even just 15 minutes a day is so good for you. It is really hard.
I too, got a pair of Soreal Boots last winter. Warm. Made in Canada. Canada makes great winter gear. You all know what you are doing. I think some new pretty snow wear would be awesome. One of those fluffy winter hats, matching mittens ( with gloves underneath--I do that too and I have little heaters inside). I see woman look really nice and bundled. Look Good, Feel Better. I look like I'm a steal worker. But we spend most of the extra money on dogs. Good choice on our part.
Do you want to have a party?
Throw some sand down, put up the folding lawn chair, dress your doodles in beach shirts and start a warm discussion!
I can't find Nina, Phil, Harlow and Lacey's discussion from last year. I can't find my glasses tonight. If anyone can see out there can you find it and post it here as an example to Sherri. Anyone?
I LOVE this party idea! I like having parties, so this is a great idea. Much better than the board games and booze night I'm hosting next week-end :)
I have no idea how to look good in the cold, especially on the days when it's so cold we can't expose our skin. I did get a hair cut the other day though. I am doing everything right, eating my veggies, taking my vitamin D, dressing well, even putting on makeup lol! I have been really trying to embrace it but there are some days when it's all i can do not to jump in my car and start driving south on a reckless adventure. Sort of like Thelma and Louise, but Sherri and the Doodles. and instead of hot sunny desert it's yucky cold snow.
If you drive South, and go through North Carolina on your way to Florida, let me know! Unfortunately it is in the 40's here but considering where you are, that might be considered warm.
OMD How did I miss your picture? I really do need to find my glasses. Your boots are AWESOME.
I think, any young man, would like a girl who was smart enough to dress warm. He might run away if you were trying to walk the doods in heels
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