I'm just waiting for the day that I start doing my usual shtick at the dog park...( verbally reprimanding idiots with un-neutered male pit bulls and other dogs is a daily occurance at my local dog park courtesy of your's truly...lol..)..Anyway, as I was saying, I'm just WAITING for the day to come that I start in with someone and that person turns around and says to me.."Oh!..No need to worry!..They aren't real..They're neuticals!".....I have a whole lecture on idiocy and animal cruelty in the works for when that day finally arrives.....CAN YOU IMAGINE ??..There are actually people out there who buy these things and put their dogs through anesthesia and surgery so that they can have fake balls!.....It's INSANE!
This is sick. The owners must have some sort of complex to consider this for their dogs !!!
What vet in right mind would even recommend this?!
It doesn't even look right.
Oh, good. Maybe these would be more comfortable for Halas than the Truck Nuts I got for him. LOL I remember hearing about these awhile ago and wondering why they would be necessary.
This is beyond outrageous it is sinful! That kind of waste of money is a sin when there are so many desperately needy people on the planet. I dont think God would condone this waste -spending thousands of dollars on fake balls for a dog - when that same money can feed a whole village for a month or help a desperately ill human. Sick! People have no honor these days!
We had this discussion, in my bowling league, just last thursday.
The reason these idiotic things were invented was that some idiots (in the show world) had a male that HAD to be neutered, due to an agression problem and they had these things made so they could continue to show and the judges did not know that the male was no longer "intact".
That type of attitude is the reason I stopped showing dogs!