Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Blake Iver Pearson was born @ 3:47 AM PST.

9#3oz 23.5"

Mother and son are doing wonderfully!



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Great photos. I'm so happy for all of you.

BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations to all of the Pearsons. Enjoy your new addition. Hugs all around.


 No size 0 or newborn for Blake.  He is huge!  Adina looks radiant!

Congratulations! Whoopee!  Terrific! Stupendous!

What an excellent name choice.  Blake is one of my all-time favorites - I had a neighbor with that name when I was growing up that I idolized so it was always one of the names on our lists.

I sent a message before I checked the new posts.  Should have checked the front page first.

How is it possible that she looks that good after giving birth?  Good job Adina!

No, he is definitely not a MINI!  What a big beautiful boy!  Congrats!! 

CONGRATULATIONS!.........I LOVE the name!...:  )

He's beautiful Clark! Adina looks positively radiant...........

I knew you'd like it.  :-)
Just a tad envious of this Jacquie, but really, should I be? All I can offer is the name Spud. Spud Pearson may have had a nice ring to it. Right?

Clark, as the mother of a beloved "Blake" I offer to you and Adina the following potential nicknames for the new addition.






"Shake N Blake"

"Blakey Blakey Eggs N Bakey"


And of course.......

"Mr. Man"

the last of the Blake variations made me laugh.  We are a family of rhyming nicknames.  My youngest daughter (now grown) still goes by Viener aka...Christina (Christiner the viener wiener).  youngest granddaughter is Ellie belly.  We have many others, but these are two that have "stuck" lol
My son, Lance is still Lancelot or Lance-a-lump and Lee-onse ( from another little boy who couldn't say his name)



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